
LSM: Cookie if anyone here knows this...

Started by August 25, 2003 07:39 PM
-1 comments, last by C-Junkie 21 years, 1 month ago
I''m considering the possibilities with the Linux Security Module framework that will be in 2.6 kernels. Right now, I''ve got conflicting information about whether or not the "default" security checks are still enforced with LSM on top, or if its LSM only. I had an idea for a REALLY simple security module that merely extends the current one a tad (think one step above window''s System, Admin, User, Nobody group/level things), thing is it wants to allow a user to access things he wouldn''t be able to normally. If the default checks are still there, this isn''t possible. Which Really Sucks(tm). So, er. Thought I''d ask here first. I like to avoid annoying the LSM folks, since this has been discussed before... just can''t seem to find it.

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