16-bit compiler for x86

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1 comment, last by ShmeeBegek 20 years, 8 months ago
I''ve been doing some osdev and I have been searching for days, and cannot find a 16 bit C compiler anywhere! I''m fearing I will have to finish my C compiler to get my hands on one :-/ Anyways all I need is a compiler that will put out 16 bit object file or 16 bit binaries (preferably COM or just a raw binary), it need not have any libraries or headers etc. Inline assembly support is preferred, but if not I should be able to use NASM. Thanks a lot for any suggestions, ~SPH
You can get Turbo C 2.01 free from Borland.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
Digital Mars C++ Compiler (free).
[size="1"]Perl - Made by Idiots, Java - Made for Idiots, C++ - Envied by Idiots | http://sunray.cplusplus.se

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