If you wanna make an mmorpg what you need to consider first is money.
get lots of money THEN you can consider making one
think different
i want to make an MMORPG,
then need a server
then need money to maintain the server at least
then make a game without server
then secure the transaction
but what would prevent to hack program themselve
or create a complex of hacked program
then based the gameplay on cheating
every people know about the leibner''s price which would rewards program which will cheat human prentending being human??
it was based on a game where by a chat the player has to guess if the chatter was a man or a human
the game could be play with a simple chat program on the net
there is no risk of hacking because it''s meaningless by principle
it''s about role play and involve only two player (this not what we can call massive)
we are blind with "traditionnal" gameplay
maybe there is a huge amount of MMOGameplay which wait we drot some habit to be discovered, ok my previous example is not something we can apply to "massive" play, but perhaps it''s the start basis of a thought toward a different aproach of playing massive online game??
Firstly, could someone please explain how (3,3,3) balances (5,4,1)?
it''s about statistic
let''s consider they are vector for an rpg using (attk,def,speed)
by speed the first won and could strike 2 times with 6 as damage
the second could go with 5 in one hit after but can take more damage than the first which would collapse in less time
it simple , if the speed increase you can hit more, but the amount of damage will aproximatly equal to the slow one in one hit (damge take in the count)
then it''s more a strategic matter than everything else, for ex speed leads to variety of move while strong defense help resist attack longer, while attack shorten the existance of the opponent
would you take in one blow or several attack
for ex i build a caracter with a lot of speed and a lot of attack but my defense is left weak, i must take adventage of my speed because even if i''m stronger than the ennemy every sigle attack will put me down, that''s would happen if i face an ennemy with stong defense and strong speed but little attack etc...
be good
be evil
but do it WELL