Anyways, sounded to me like you were gung-ho on starting another infamous language-war. Nothing in your post had to do with the thread itself and so I assumed the obvious. Maybe it''s just me though I doubt it
<?phpif(($sock = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { echo "socket_create() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror($sock) . "<BR>"; } else { $server='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'; $port=yyyy; $send=sprintf('%c%c%c%c',24, 0, 0, 0); $x=socket_sendto($sock,$send,strlen($send)-1,0,$server,$port); //don't allow blocking, do a 3 second timeout //if we don't get a response by 3 seconds, the server probably ain't there... $bar = array($sock); $select_result = socket_select($bar, $b=null, $c=null, 3); if ($select_result == true) { $y=socket_recvfrom($sock,&$recvbuf,1024,0,&$from,&$port); //temporary var loading, let's just see what we get first... $LauncherPopulation = sprintf('%d',$recvbuf[0]); $ClientPopulation = sprintf('%d',$recvbuf[4]); //check the results echo $recvbuf . $y . "<BR>"; //($y = 8, $recvbuf has no output??) echo "Launcher Population:" . $LauncherPopulation . "<BR>"; echo "Client Population:" . $ClientPopulation . "<BR><BR>"; //both population variables report 0, even when players in game???? } else { echo "Server Timeout<BR><BR>"; } }socket_close($sock);?>