
don't name ur fav game II

Started by January 14, 2004 07:49 PM
27 comments, last by Waverider 21 years, 1 month ago
Original post by superpig
Diablo? (Some kind of hack-and-slash RPG, certainly).

Diablo II to be exact. I hope being verbose about the game of choice after your post isn''t against the rules.
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"Games usually keep me from making my own..."

find your elementat
Original post by Waverider
superpig, that is quite, odd

But you''ve got to agree, it should be cool.

Zombies and pirates: the two topics that never fail as foundations for a story.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

ok, guess this one...

I sneak forward, the snow making cold ice crystals on my face. I wave my hand behind me, signalling my team to get down and find cover. Slowly I creep through the wide open doorway.

It''s quite in here, all except for the hum of the turbine generators. I see six generators in formation along the room. At the far end is a doorway and a balcony above that. It''s really too quiet.

I creep forward some more and spot a guy dressed in all black up ahead. This is new, they don''t usualyl wear black. I signal to my team to group up with me and slwoly we creep closer to the man in black, when distatser! Another guy in the room sees us and opens fire. I quickly instruct the team to find cover and return fire. Before we know it, three or four guys are all around us, firing wildly at our positions. I signal my teammate to my left to circle round and create a firing position from besides a generator and the other two are to follow me.

We circle round dodging fire until we can see the foot of one of the enemy. I singal my whole team to strike. The guy on the left rushes in opening fire. The other two dart foward leaving me to pick off the scattering opponents from the shadows.

Quickly we deal with the threat and once again the room is silent but for the sounds of electricity. I check my bag - empty. All I have left are the few bullets in my AK47 and the grenade on my belt.

I signal my team to find cover as I sneak closer to the doorway and balcony. Damn! The gunfire has attracted others. I see three, maybe more on the balcony looking out over the room and closing off the route to the door. I draw my grenade, prime and throw it up onto the balcony. As it deflects off a side wall on the balcony, the enemies scatter like roaches in the light. Three buy it - I wince as one of them is catapulted groin first into the balcony rail and tumbles over the top, landing awkwardly on his head. One has got away, but a few well placed shots from my AK47 and he drops. Into the doorway and the next set of challenges...

------------------------------------------[New Delta Games] | [Sliders]
Original post by Waverider
Original post by ahw
guys, you know, that's actually quite cool stuff you are writing there
So nice that it should be in the Writing forum, methinks
Define game writing and game design.

I was saying that as a Good Thing, you know. It's just that the Writing forum is usually quiet enough, and since this seem to be more prose than Design that you guys are writing, I would say it would make good material for the Writing forum

Anyway, wherever it is, it's quite a nice read !

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

[edited by - ahw on January 19, 2004 4:09:20 PM]
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Original post by superpig
This is a description of a prototype I''m working on at the moment. I wonder how many of you will recognise it?

Yes, that game is going to rule
-solo (my site)
Original post by ahw
Original post by Waverider
Original post by ahw
guys, you know, that's actually quite cool stuff you are writing there
So nice that it should be in the Writing forum, methinks
Define game writing and game design.

I was saying that as a Good Thing, you know. It's just that the Writing forum is usually quiet enough, and since this seem to be more prose than Design that you guys are writing, I would say it would make good material for the Writing forum

Anyway, wherever it is, it's quite a nice read !

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

[edited by - ahw on January 19, 2004 4:09:20 PM]

Ok then. I wasn't sure if it was just someone's devious way of complimenting it and then saying it belonged somewhere else. That's a common tactic of posters who want to diffuse something.

In any case, I was going to leave where it belonged in the capable hands of the moderators.

[edited by - Waverider on January 19, 2004 6:45:57 PM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
We arrived in a harbor of the biggest city in the lands, so the local people have claimed. The pass given by the king had proved its usefulness against the captain of the ship. We arrived safely, with all our limbs remained intact.

We entered a giant gate. We noticed a plaque written on top of the gate, but we could barely read it, or perhaps we were not allowed to? The city was big indeed, and hundreds of houses stood around us. Regardless of its massive size, the city however seemed to lack its people. It seemed that everybody had closed their door on us. We knocked the doors, yet silence was their answer.

After a short walk, we all agreed that we could easily get lost without a handy map in our hands. We opened a map, our only map. A map that had been with us since The Beginning told us little about the city. Though the roads were drawn precisely, we were losing our track of where we should be heading to. "The temple" the king told us before our departure. It was harder than we expected.

The houses stood tall, taller than everything. We decided to walk on our own, heading to nowhere, hoping that the Temple would find us by itself, as if it had a mind of its own.

We heard voices to our east, a grumbling one, yet we ignored it. A far more interesting being had appeared in front of us, a citizen! We approached him. He stood still like a castle wall even though swords and armors were with us.

"Spare some change?"

There were nothing more striking to us than a citizen who asked for a change in this most populous and gigantic city. The man stood still, gave no reaction of our comings. As we decided what to do next, voices came from the south. The voices drew nearer and nearer. As we turned, three bandits armed with scimitars were heading toward us. Their faces were covered with black clothing. Their armors were heavy. They drew their scimitars and attacked us.
It is from an old game, back in 1992.

I''d write some more. I never thought it could be this entertaining. And talking about practicing for your essay
It's really hard to say how I got here. I was just going on a quest for my captain, seeking an item to assist against the orc hordes and the dragon armies. The whole war is centered around this one kind of magic that every group wishes to possess for themselves.

It was in the middle of this quest that I felt called to this sylvan woodland, where the Lady of the Wood welcomed me. She told me of this magic and how old it was. She possessed great wisdom, having lived among these trees and coming to know what they know. She told me of the nature of the conflict between all of the concerned groups, and cautioned me of my intent within it.

Since then I feel somewhat separate and have become much more an observer than a participant.

The Lady of the Wood awaits my return. I can only say since hearing her song and the simple sadness within, I've come to question and at the same time remember my place in all of this. I can only hope that my captain can accept what I've learned, as much as I have.

She could have called anyone to her. Why did she choose me? Do I dare think I was meant to have this wisdom, and consider the advantage it gives me over the others? Am I supposed to assemble a new circle of individuals based on it, and build our wisdom, or consider its use alone? And is this wisdom there to share with the world, or shame it?

[edited by - Waverider on January 20, 2004 7:57:54 PM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
I think maybe this kind of stuff could be more useful than many of the non-writing posters in this thread give it credit for. Many games are of course based on storyline campaigns and if you can merge storyline with design it might be a useful way of ''proofing'' ones work.

Might sound like a bit of effort to achive but then it might be possible to combine it with the overall storyline (before your game writer or yourself does the game-writing, possibly), and use it for some critical cut-scenes or even player events. If it sounds really good then the scene and the suspence of disbelief may be increased (provided one uses the technique to enhance and fix any aspects of the design/story that doesn''t work for them).

Tell me what you think.

Oh, and before someone claims i''m trying to hijack this thread, here''s my attempt. I figure since this thread isn''t moving too fast we could use it for both discussion and prose.


My ion-driver pounds the ground, just a thumbnail away from it. It dodges, rolling along the ground and I can feel it. Over the pain I keep moving, driving my mind to it''s physical limit then a little further.

The floor slips from beneith me and my gun finds it''s mark, with a single round it is limping, its AI construct leering as it limps onto the wall. I hit the ceiling running along it untill the doorway finds my waist, I roll into the neighboring room.

The doorway infront of my is lit up, beyond it a black cycle flies in sliding along the last few fibers and fragments of light. The world beond it is my way out, FiberNet, an intricate web of networks connected by a brilliant cyberspace programming.

The pain is still seering through my shoulder and I can feel it closing in on my its human form grappling through the air driving itself towards me. I lift my driver one last time but it still flinches. Too fast, the matrix program is weaker here, the error correction is fewer, even the AI can feel the physics revolting.

The ground pulses and blinding sounds come blazing at me, not from the AI. Another faction, armed with nothing less than sub-machine guns. The AI does not flinch it''s construct dissapearing in a splash of glittering fragments.

The door finds itself closer to me and I see Arial shouting at me as I hit the cycle. Clinging to the saddle, I fire-up the wepons system and find the doorway, removing its connection as the Gs pull at me furiously.

Then I see it, comming up behind me, the fragments faultering. The silent lights blinding me, fading to black, only the non-colour of my console to remind me of where I am.

Arial punches deck, flinging us back into the monstrosety, as we hit the ground I can feel the assertion driving us out of existance. The rules of ancient physics modelled in every detail, my hacking code nullified as I fight the possible reality of what has happenned.

We are stuck, no way of reaching the loading program, no way to jack out, no way to recover who we were. I am stuck, the virtual world designed to enslave humanity, driven by their own creation and the disire to maintain control.

I know what we must do, however. We must continue to fight, not against the other factions but the matrix itself. Modelled for the now deceased Anexia Corperation, we must destroy the matrix and free those few who are left. Back to rebuild reality, and the mirroring cities, no longer do they share the same faces.

I stand up from the rubble grasping my driver lending my hand into the rubble, and prepare myself. We head for another connection, not to FiberNet and our loading program, however. But to the kernel and the stacks.

- An imaginary, cyberpunk inspired, FPS storyline focused game.

Sorry if that was a bit long, I''ve never been real good at keeping it short and sweet.

Lorenz (krysole) Pretterhofer
sleep, caffeine for the weak minded

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