
New System for a Game

Started by January 16, 2004 07:37 AM
5 comments, last by CHASIS-BLADE 21 years ago
Okay here I go... You will have 5 Characters who each have a skill like strengh, Mind Control and so on. But In this game (RPG) will be differant as the game will be like a platform game (Like Soul Reaver) but you move around in it like an RPG. When you encouter an Enemy you will instantly go to a Turn based battle were you fight your enemy. The battle will focus how many turns you have and as you go on you can earn or buy more turns. Example: You enter battle and you are given three turns to use, Let say you choose Attack, Heal and then Attack again your character will then Fight,Heal and fight again all in one go. This system can also be used to work up Huge Combos - Three attacks will do a triple slash that does more damage and Three heals will heal the party but if you do do these combos you will only get one Turn so its a Pleasure for Pain kinda thing. Tell me what you think and send me a response.
That''s... actually a really neat idea. Wow.

It would be like a modified action point system, really, but would probably be less frustrating. I don''t think that any specific number of characters would have a profound influnce on the system, and I advise just one character to start, for ease of game design.

This idea reminds me a little of the rune-based spell systems that people are always trying to work out. You could have different sequences combine different effects into new and exciting combos.

You could do attack, attack, fire to make two slashes and cut loose with a fireball, or attack, fire, attack to make a slash and then a flaming sword attack, or even fire, attack, attack to ignite your sword and do a two-strike combo with it. Terrific system. A lot of flexibility, a lot of innovation possible, and a whole lot of coding required. Has anybody done this before? It seems so obvious...

However, I fail to see how the fighting resemble Soul Reaver. Unless you''re just talking about it in a graphical sense, or if you mean you navigate the overworld like you would in Soul Reaver.

Great idea, CHASIS-BLADE.
Chef, fancy seeing you here.. Isnt that system similiar to Xenosaga and Xenogears?

Granted, rather than Atk Atk Fire, in those games, it was X X O, or [] [] X, etc. The basics to the system were similiar, and certain button combos would kick off different attacks. I guess there slightly different, but about the closest thing to what either of you describe
Actualy it seems closest to the system of an old playstation game..... Legend of Lagaia (just a little more detailed by allowing them to use magics and cures in the combo)

Overall, a very interesting concept, would be nice to see implemented somewhere. The only thing I am curious about, is whether you meant 3 selections a turn, or only 1 turn a battle (for each of you).
I thought of something like this before. Basically, my idea was to have two basic choices for attacking in a turn-based fight: Attack and Synchronize. Choosing attack brings up a menu with your options and you execute your chosen option immediately. Choosing synchronize brings up the same menu, but you wait until your group''s done choosing before you attack. Say you have three characters in your group and you all choose to sychronize your attack, Alpha. Alone, the Alpha technique does 200 damage, and if you each did it separately, you''d do 600 damage, but by doing it all at once, you get Beta, which does 800 damage.
orionx103, that''s a lot like Chrono Trigger, but it also reminds me of Palom and Porom from FF2(IV). They had attack they could only do when both of them were in an active turn, and so you''d have one wait for the other, and then cast "twin" magic. It was neat.

Nahoopii, in the Xenogears system it didn''t really matter which attacks you strung together, it was basically a code for a special attack. In CHASIS-BLADE''s idea, it really does matter what you use. So instead of X, O, [] doing a "Leaping dragon monkey kick" or whatever those crazy words meant, "atk, atk, fire" would actually string those three commands into a coherent combo.

PaulCesar, you bring up an interesting point: Would it be better to just have one combo per "battle"? I remember the Ogre Battle system, which gave you one round against your enemies. In the biginning, everyone would just do one thing, but higher classes could attack two or even three times. Adapting that to this idea would basically give you one chance to string together as many commands as your character''s skill would allow. If you had the power to link two moves, you could do n^2 different things in a battle, where n is the number of individual moves you can chain. With three, it becomes n^3 different combos, and so on.

The problem with that is the problem with Ogre Battle: It takes five or six battles to defeat an enemy unit. In OB, that was okay, because you could just kill their leader and run past them, or you could mess them up enough that they would retreat. But in a different type of game, that would be a pain in the butt.
Cool. It took me twice to understand it. Good idea, it''s creative
and original (I think)
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