COM and Script engine?

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0 comments, last by jangtaekwon 20 years, 3 months ago
I don''t know much about both of them. Also and I''m searching useful information for them now. ... I knew COM as simple as method for sharing binary code across different APPs. And a ScriptEngine would parsing scripted code to binary code. (Yes, beginner.. My question is.. Is COM useful for ScriptEngine in GameEngine? If Script Parser make a binary code for Targets such as GameEngine and ScriptTestingTool. At that respect, can COM do a role as a connector or manager between different binary code consumers like GameEngine,TestingTool?
COM is used more for binary compatibility between versions, so nothing breaks. Like DirectX, the reason you can use old interfaces is because they use COM.

So, for a script engine, the idea of COM would be ok to use. You could keep old scripting functions in your engine and just add new ones so old scripts still work.

The only problem with that is, you''ll eventually have to phase out earlier versions because the code can get rather large after a while .

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