
quake2 map problems

Started by July 27, 2000 08:24 AM
1 comment, last by Bruno 24 years, 2 months ago
HI I have a big problem.. I have made i fuctional worldcraft map reader, and render, but when i render the image, i have some problems, that i don''t even know why they happen. When i''m near a wall, everything is nice and ok, when i start moving away from the wall, the connections to the other walls, begin to look strange, and i can eve see, what''s behind the wall Could you look at these screenshots, to see what do i mean? If you are wondering, those walls are made of just one quad.., but in the picture it looks like there is more than 3 or 4 quads in the wall. any ideas on whats happening?? The pictures are at: thanks Bruno
How can you tell that there''s a problem? Those screenshots are basically pitch black with one or two smears of dark brown!

Go for it.
-----------------------Go for it.OtakuCODE
You mean you don''t see anything wrong in these screenshots??
I know they are dark.., but don''t exagerate

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