

Started by February 13, 2004 11:22 PM
0 comments, last by MakavelianKode 20 years, 7 months ago
I''m not positive is this is the section to be positing my questions on this, but it''s the best section I can think of. My question is if anyone has any clue on how to get some internships in vid games for the summer? I think my credentials are there, but it just seems internships for video game companies are sparse - especially since I really prefer to work in NY(personal reasons). Basically, I was thinking that I would write letters to any video game companies I can find in NY. But even with that, how do I find companies in NY? I found some on gamasutra, but I know there are more. If anyone has any advice please post it, because I''m lost but I''m as anxious as I can be to get an internship. -Mak
Check with (International Game Developers Association) and see if there is a local chapter near you. Thats a great way to meet the right people face to face and find out about any opportunities.


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