Cool song UPDATE - Feb 16

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12 comments, last by Mulligan 20 years, 3 months ago
That guy has talent. I like how he played some of the melodies backwards ontop of the original. It gives it a pretty cool effect. Also, I don''t mean to brag but check this out.
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quote:Original post by MDI
My family came from County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland a few generations back in search of work down the local coal mines and cotton mills. Where did your family come from Mulligan?

well, its a long story of my family heritage which could fill books.

actually, i had to pick a username one day and i picked mulligan because the guy next to me was playing the need for speed and one of the opponents car''s name was mulligan. thats it.
Isn''t that a Red Hot Chili Peppers song?
-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");
AH, thats where i heard it. yea its very similar.

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