
How far can you copy other games?

Started by March 09, 2004 11:37 AM
53 comments, last by Siolis 20 years, 10 months ago
quote: Original post by Siolis
Ok now your pissing me off, why is it that some people ya know, encourage me, help me, advise me and then people like you show up and question me, poke me, prod me with stupid and irrelevant questions.

They weren''t irrelevant. You prance around the forums as though you''re a pro, but what skills do you have?

I believe i have the ability to make something better than them, i can see flaws which others agree with me that they are flaws, I''m told by Professionals {away from this site in collage and uni btw} that i have the ability to take myself as far as i want, why is it that as soon as i announce my intension''s, as soon as i try to say "Hay you know what, i might be able to do something hear which could make a name for myself" people like you show up and start asking stupid questions and make statements like "Oh they were professionals, we dont know shit about you but hell we can and will try and burst you bubble and tell you, you cant beat other people who have done this before."

You have the ability to make something better than professionals, to find flaws that others consider flaws as well, you''re told by professionals that you have the ability to go as far as you please. That''s all good and well, but where''s your ability to type?

Your kind make me sick, you just dont seem to relies that everyone starts somewhere, some aim low, some high, some win, some lose, I''m aiming high and I''m trying my hardest to win at this game, i dont need to prove shit to some little shit that likes to claim it cant be done before ive even tried.

No, you don''t. You''re exactly right. To hell with me. Who am I to judge your abilities? Abilities you have no proof of, no examples, nothing, besides a computer and a handle on a game development forum. I''ll be the first person to admit that I''m a sucky writer, but at least I''m a sucky writer with proof I''m a sucky writer.

Fuck you man!

You''re a child.
I seriously love this topic. Siolis, I hate to break it to you, but (and at some point you'll realize this) you would NOT be able to make this by yourself. I assume we're already understood on that point, correct?

Well, and this one should come as no shock, you have no people skills. If you're too lazy to read over a point made by someone else and extract the relevant information and instead choose to simply tell them to 'fuck off', you definitely have no chance in cooperating with others to create something better than people who actually make a living out of it.

If no one else has noticed, this post is the essence of all of the "MMORPG: T3h Next EveQuest!" posts that we all hate. I've been following this post for a while, and I think it's hilariously peculiar that no one has even mentioned the fact that in Siolis's original post he stated that this was meant to be "Final fantasy; how it should have been."

Now, before you come back with weak insults to my intelligence, orionx103 made many points which you should probably address.

For the record, he didn't flame you in the last fact, throughout this thread, YOU have been the one who won't turn off the flamethrower. You seem to just HATE the fact that people can find flaws in your ideas.

Also for the record, this wasn't meant to come off as a flame, just mildly deconstructive criticism.

EDIT: Oh, and...excuse my spelling.

"TV IS bad Meatwad...but we f***in need it"

If you're a girl under the age of 12, and you're high on marijuana...don't ride your bike. -TRUTH

[edited by - Boku San on March 15, 2004 8:50:13 PM]
Things change.
I think we''re all doing our best to avoid flaming the "Teh b3st gaym evar!!!" posters around here. I feel pretty bad when someone comes up and says they want to make a game like The Matrix and we all jump down their throats. Sure, they''re idiots with no idea what they''re getting into, but knowing the extremes is an important early step in finding the mean. We know where games are, we know what kind of crazy science fiction would be awesome, and then we try to figure out how far on that continuum we can go right now.

That''s an important world boundary to find, and we''ve all found it, but when we show it to newbs with a big slap on the head and a "You''re a dumbass," it doesn''t do anyone any good. When I was eight I came up with an idea to make a video game about being a Cub Scout. You''d wander around in various environments based on the woods outside my town, the creek by the Fire Dept., and the basement of the Presbyterian Church, where we had our meetings. I wanted to put in every merit badge and all kinds of neat-o stuff like camping and whittling and canoeing and making a fire and whatever else I could think of while I read that handbook. So I sat down and started drawing side-scrolling platform levels (because that''s what I thought video games were in 1988) that would achieve this. My dad discovered my project, and he tried to help out by helping me with my drawing and designing a few NPCs (Troop Leader, Old Hermit, Talking Raccoon, etc.) that you''d meet in the game. I lost interest after about a week and got into something else that I thought was awesome, and Dad was equally supportive.

So when we laugh at the guys that are so interested in game design that they actually get on the internet and seek out a game design forum, and then register to post here, and then write the equivalent of three pages of rambling nonsense, I think we''re doing a disservice to those posters and to the future of game design. Don''t make this into some kind of ivory tower aristocracy of the exclusive game designer elite. Instead, point out the problematics that they''re just discovering and that we''ve struggled with for years.

Somebody''s going to come up with a great new way to run an RPG battle. There''s a chance that that guy is 11 today, and is trying out his great new idea for a game that''s just like The Matrix by showing it to a bunch of "professional game designers" on the internet. If we mock the shit out of him and stick a tire pump in his spokes, we might stifle the next Sid Meier. So go easy on the idealists. Show them what''s wrong, instead of just telling them that they are.

Sure, it''s annoying to have people coming in here (especially when they do it anonymously) and saying, "D00d, we culd jest maek teh game like GTA, but with a biger city and every car in the world, and then add in stuff like spaceships and then aleins could invade and yood hav to fight tehm with a tank!", but instead of just telling those dumbasses to get lost, we could probably afford to be a little more civil, and to teach them a little something about the rigors of designing. I imagine that the grim reality of dealing with design teams, publishers, and the limits of technology with be sufficiently daunting to discourage the weaker candidates without adding insult to injury.

P.S. - GameDev needs a spellcheck feature to prevent the obvious poor spelling and a "preview post" feature, so I can make sure my links and smilies work without having to edit.
Chef, if I ever become president, I want you to write my speeches.

I agree, to an extent. I think we should show them what''s wrong with their theories and try to correct them, but I no longer feel the need to be civil when they venture upon insult. Who wants to help someone when they tell you to fuck off?

Not me.

And when you talk about being eight in 1988, you make me feel so young! I was barely born then.
quote: Original post by Boku San
EDIT: Oh, and...excuse my spelling.

I really hope I don't get the blame for starting this. >_>

[edited by - orionx103 on March 15, 2004 11:53:04 PM]

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