Yes, I'm another newbie. Please help!

But what you'll find when doing 3D programming is that it's not drawing triangles or transforming objects which is the tough part -- it's the design issues you'll face. You'll find it much easier to finish your 3D game if you've actually finished a 2D one first because you will have learned a lot about how to code games.
So my suggestion is this: learn all you can about whatever subjects you like -- even if there a bit above your head at this point. Just don't commit yourself to making anything but simple games to start with. You'll thak yourself later .
I'm assuming you're using this method:
code:#include "iostream.h"
the quotation marks tell the preprocessor to look in the current directory for the file, and if it can't find it, it aborts. Almost all recent compilers take this one step further and also search the \include directory, but it looks like you have an old compiler so it doesn't search there.
The solution is to enclose the filename in angle brackets < and >, but make SURE you don't put spaces before or after the filename. This will not work:
code:#include < iostream.h >
and this will work:
code:#include < iostream.h>
(UBB software treats this as an HTML tag, so I couldn't write it as I normally would because it would erase it. In your code, don't leave spaces around the filename)
The rule of thumb is when you're using the compiler's header files, use < > because that's where they're located, and when you're including your own headers, use " " because they're usually in the working directory.
Hope that helps.
[This message has been edited by foofightr (edited November 28, 1999).]
On that note, I'm thinking of getting the academic version of Visual Basic 6.0, as I heard its easier to use. There are 3 versions, however, Enterprise, Professional, and Standard (I think). Professional looks to be the best, because the upgrade options seem good, but what which one would you recommend?
In the mean time I'll struggle on with TurboC. If anyone has a solution to my problem, please help!
[This message has been edited by BrentP4 (edited November 29, 1999).]
As far as "free" graphics, I got a limited edition of Adobe Photoshop "free" with my new CD burner. This program is great for someone like me to make mediocre graphics look (at best) decent.
Good luck!
Kyle - I check the file extensions, but still nothing. Could it be anything else?
Brent & Crazy - Thanks for the tips I'll be sure to look up that free version off Truespace; I've heard good things about the program, and even if it's not very powerful it'll be a good start. AS for Visual C++ 6.0, I just found out that academic discounts are only available in the least if your buying from Microsofts Website
I'll probably still get it, but I'm just wondering: have microsoft released any of their Visual C++ as freeware? Like earlier versions of the program?
As for books, I found a free "Learn C++ in 21 days" from an online library, and am following it to start with. Once I get a bit of cash, i'll invest in some more game specific ones
Oh, and about 3D engines; I saw some available for download from this site, but can anyone reccomend one? There is no ratings on them, so it's hard to tell which one is the most stable, best performer etc. Thanks...
[This message has been edited by Retrep (edited November 29, 1999).]