Making textures from photos

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13 comments, last by ahw 19 years, 7 months ago
I dont think there is that much auto processing going on.
Except maybe when you are correcting the distortion due to the camera objective.
There is a very nice book in my University Library about texture making for games, maybe you should try to find it ?
it's called "The Dark Side of Game Texturing" by David Franson.
Some of the texturing isn't as realistic as I personally would like, but it certainly has some good "from the ground up" examples and techniques.
Normally there is also a very good texture site called WadFather, that you should check out (I cant access it for some reason)
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Quote:Original post by tomek_zielinski
Hi. We're now trying to do what you said. I thought that for example guys that were making Max Payne and had thousends of photos had to do this automaticaly. We haven;t got so many photos so it's not such a huge problem, but I asked in case auto-processing is somewhere out there

You can use Photoshops Actions if you need to make the same change to hundreds or thousands of images in a very short amount of time. Photoshops actions are often overlooked by artists, but it is very powerful.
To even out the light you need to work in lab color mode. Take the light layer and open it in a new window, gaussian blur it and mirror it, then paste it to the original image as an overlay layer.

Good luck
Thanks to you all
Quote:Original post by Scanmaster_k
To even out the light you need to work in lab color mode.

_that_ mister, is a really neat trick I hadn't thought of.
I shall have to try it !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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