

Started by October 15, 2000 02:45 PM
19 comments, last by Dunge 24 years, 3 months ago
A small correction: You can make a sphere out of Quads AND Triangles(or just Triangles).

Also, there are two main kinds of spheres: "normal" ones(I don''t know the technical name) and "geospheres". geosphere''s are usually used in games, and can only be made with triangles.
Hey....... I only want to do a ball in a PONG game and I want an exemple of gluSphere (C++) I seen in the MSDN but I don''t understand how to use it.....

void gluSphere( GLUquadricObj *qobj, GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks );

slices and stacks are the number of line in the ball vertical and horizontal, radius is the size but qobj?
    //During global variable declaration add the line:GLUquadricObj *quadratic;//At the end of your InitGL function add:quadratic=gluNewQuadric();gluQuadricNormals(quadratic, GLU_SMOOTH);gluQuadricTexture(quadratic, GL_TRUE);//Then during your DrawGLScene function add the function:gluSphere(quadratic, [radius], [slices], [stacks]);            

That is coming straight out of NeHe tutorial 18 on quadratics and there may be something that is missing in there.


by GLUT u mean the glu functions?

I think nate means the functions contained in the GLUT.H header file.

Edited by - oglman on October 16, 2000 10:19:59 PM
You can do it yourself:

    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall CObject::Draw(){	//	Ball	for(int z=0; z<8; z++)	{		glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);		for(int r=0; r<=16; r++)		{			glNormal3d(				cos(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*z),				sin(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*z),				cos(2*PI/16*z));			glVertex3d(				Object.Position.x + dSize * cos(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*z),				Object.Position.y + dSize * sin(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*z),				Object.Position.z + dSize * cos(2*PI/16*z));			glNormal3d(				cos(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*(z+1)),				sin(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*(z+1)),				cos(2*PI/16*(z+1)));			glVertex3d(				Object.Position.x + dSize * cos(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*(z+1)),				Object.Position.y + dSize * sin(2*PI/16*r) * sin(2*PI/16*(z+1)),				Object.Position.z + dSize * cos(2*PI/16*(z+1)));		}		glEnd();	}}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    

You have to replace the 8 and 16 values with the amount of vertices you want.

Does someone know how to calculate a sphere with even-sized polygons? Or have a link to some interresting stuff about this?

Will that code right there run faster than Glusphere with Backface culling enabled?
sinistrx: To be honest - I don''t have a clue

But the code can be optimized. Just a few:
  • Calc the sin/cos only once. Also every other value used twice or more, can be calced only once.
  • Do it in assembly.
  • Use floats - not doubles.
  • Unrolled loops in some situations (hehe - just kidding )
  • Don''t multiply but interpolate using pre-calculated values.
  • Optimisation is endless work...

  • Just a few reasons why this code could be faster:
  • More calculations can be pre-calculated because. For instance: the size/position/slices can be a constant.
  • You don''t need an extra glTranslate().

  • Another advantage:
  • You can enter your own glTexCoord() and/or glColor() values.
  • It''s fun to do it yourself
  • You can add other strange effects...!

  • I don''t know much about glut, so I can''t say what is faster...
    But glut is just another OpenGL wrapper. I don''t want to start a war about this, it''s just that personally I like to stay as low level as I can. Maybe others do too - that''s why I posted this answer.

    I was just telling him how to use gluSphere() not suggesting anything about hoe efficiant it is
    the source of glut is included with the distribution so u can have a looksy to see what glutsolidsphere does
    also check out the mesa source
    Where can I download the SDK and the runtime for OpenGL? Thanks!

    I'll screw up whoever screws around with the gamedev forum!

    So many people use it and nobody knows?

    I'll screw up whoever screws around with the gamedev forum!


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