
I'm a lua newb

Started by December 22, 2004 11:44 PM
0 comments, last by Fadan 20 years, 2 months ago
Hey, just started learning lua for modding. Some times programming can be vague, I can't figure out the meaning of this one argument. function CTFFlag:ReturnFlag() if(self.original_pos)then end It's only a sample of the code, still I'm not sure if it's cheking if there's a value "self.original_pos" or that it's the same value as last time it was called. If anyone understands what I mean.
the code checks if self.original_pos is true (in other words: not zero) and then executes nothing (because the if-statement is empty) - I highly recommend to read the lua manual - 1hour and you know how lua works, its quite powerfull

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