
Making a Dictionary

Started by January 27, 2005 02:13 PM
-1 comments, last by ShmeeBegek 19 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I have been trying to find a good program to use as a dictionary for some Conlang projects of mine (some of which are for the oblivierra project, and have had trouble getting anything working. I have a special font that changes the normal a-z A-Z English characters, and so the program requires nothing but font support. I looked at OpenOffice, but could find no good documentation (and its dictionary doesn't seem to support adding in definitions), and I was looking at using a Wiki but am finding it a pain to get one working. Does anyone have any ideas/programs that they use for this purpose? It would be preferable if I could (like in a Wiki) change the font inside of a definition, as to allow for English and the target language fonts in one entry. Thanks, ~SPH

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