[java] Blurry screen from commandline

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13 comments, last by GameDev.net 19 years, 1 month ago
Ok I uninstalled everything to do with Java from my computer. Then I installed j2sdk1.4.2_08 and its JRE + Java3D 1.3.1

After a restart I found that I now got the blurry screen from running java in JCreator, command line or anywhere else...

So I decided to uninstall the stereo drivers for my graphics card thinking they must be the problem.

After a restart still the blurry screen from any java program run :(

So I reinstalled my graphics drivers, (the same version as I already had). This had the desired effect and stopped the blurry screen. Everything was as it should be.

Reinstalling the drivers had reset my graphics profile and turned off antialiasing options (in NView settings). When I turn antialiasing back on it causes the blurry screen. Obviously when java runs a window with graphics in (i.e. a JFrame) my card was antialiasing the whole screen giving it the blurred out of focus look. Could anyone with an Nvidia graphics card try this out to see if they get the same problem ?

Thanks for all the help and suggestions...



I am not a game developer, and I only registered to reply to your message, but yes, turning off the antialiasing on my computer fixed my blurry screen. I have an Nvidia 6800 (I enjoy playing games!) and I had AA turned on (not application controlled). Whenever I started Internet explorer and opened a page with Java on it, the window went blurry. I read your post and turned AA off, and voila!, sharp text.

Thanks for your help.

I also had the same problem. Must be Java issue as the AA option doesn't affect any other app except for games. Weird! Anyway thanks for the solution!
You are incredible. Uninstalling all of this, when you could open table with display options and change antialiasing from on by default to controlled by application.

Quote:Obviously when java runs a window with graphics in (i.e. a JFrame) my card was antialiasing the whole screen giving it the blurred out of focus look.

That's a sideeffect of the new render-pipeline in 1.5.0: every java-surface, including all swing-classes and most AWT-classes are rendered using DirectX (for faster performace). It can be turned of using the switch "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true".

ATI-systems crash (sometime hard, sometime only the java-part), GF's start to do fullscreen AA/AF. I hope they remove that "feature" soon.


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