
allegro make help (lazyswimmers)

Started by July 15, 1999 02:01 AM
0 comments, last by Nick Murphy 25 years, 7 months ago
When I try to make allegro with DJGPP I get an error
telling me "Your PATH is not set correctly! This must
include the djgpp bin directory: see the djgpp readme.1st
for details"

Well, needless to say, I read the readme.1st and the
problem I came up with was with the lines entered into
my autoexec.bat. The problem is that I entered in
everything exactly the way the readme.1st tells me to. I
run rhide and when I try to compile everything else it all
works fine. When I try to make files outside of rhide is
when I run into trouble.

Any help?

Check that you have entered everything correctly. You
need to put


at the end of your autoexec.bat file.

If this doesn't work, ask comp.os.msdos.djgpp

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