
What happens if video memory runs out??

Started by March 08, 2006 01:32 PM
9 comments, last by todi1856 18 years, 6 months ago
I have strange problem =] I have my terrain putted in vertex buffer , and everything runs fine,i t looks nice and i am happy. But when i've tried to launch my program on other pc with less Video Memory, my all objects ,which were putted in VBO's just disappeared , program doesnt crash it runs fine , but those just won't want to draw , why ?????? Is it video memory or just my bad programming? P.S both video cards had the same opengl version ( 2.0) both ati , but one with less video mem. I've tried on NVIDIA GeForce , i have the same problem there. One more thing , i know when i start opengl program , it has some default values , like shading , texture enabled , etc. Do those values are the same on all video cards ?
The extension is probably not supported. The VBO's are supposed to be stored in system RAM after the VRAM is full.
Quote: Original post by todi1856
P.S both video cards had the same opengl version ( 2.0) both ati , but one with less video mem. I've tried on NVIDIA GeForce , i have the same problem there.

Did you estimate the amount of memory you're using?
Quote: Original post by todi1856
One more thing , i know when i start opengl program , it has some default values , like shading , texture enabled , etc. Do those values are the same on all video cards?

For Core OpenGL, yes, they are, when the spec says they should be.

Previously "Krohm"

Quote: Original post by godmodder
The VBO's are supposed to be stored in system RAM after the VRAM is full.

True, so is textures and anything else, and if that is not enough it uses the harddrive as cashe(witch will effectively turn a 3 digit FPS to a slideshow), after that then it probobly crashes.
So it's not the memory.
Well i am checking for vbo support , and they are supported, or else i get my fatal error message box =]

It's probably my bad programming.

Maybe there is on the net some nice OpenGl framework wich supports texture , shader , etc loading ???

Cause i am probably mading silly mistakes, which are solved by others

Quote: Original post by Krohm
Did you estimate the amount of memory you're using?

Well i have 256MB of VRAM, so my brain says i cant fill it all, cause :
1) it would take quite a while, but my program takes 6-7 sec to launch
2) second i dont put anything large there, only my terrain triangles
3) i think i am using <1MB for my geometry

Quote: Maybe there is on the net some nice OpenGl framework wich supports texture , shader , etc loading ???

CsGL library works perfect for .net framework
I prefer C++ , not C# =]
Could you reproduce the problem using a well-known dataset? Try with a smaller terrain, for example and step just before the various upload calls.

I begin thinking maybe you're messing up with pointers/offsets or indices... but I would say this shall give you a crash and shouldn't work at all.

Vertex buffers are included in core GL from 1.5 so even if the ext string does not show it, they must have support to claim GL2 compliance.

Previously "Krohm"

Quote: Original post by todi1856
3) i think i am using <1MB for my geometry

ccc, don't think, do the maths and know.
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