
Swing GUI

Started by March 17, 2006 01:30 PM
-1 comments, last by JayeAeotiv 18 years, 11 months ago
Team name: Carrowyn Enterprises (registered DBA with Dallas County) Project name: Table Top Online Brief description: I'm looking for someone to do some Swing GUI work for Table Top Online, a chat style application. Target aim: Table top RPG gamers. Think Dungeons and Dragons style. Compensation: Pick one. 1.) Money (name your price) 2.) I could write some non-gui code for you, I'm pretty nifty with non-gui stuff. Mostly in too much of a hurry to get a beta out the door to learn the gui stuff. 3.) Royalties and future work. If you're a student and you're good with gui stuff, this might be a great option for you. Technology: Java 5 Talent needed: GUI designer Team structure: Justin (me): Lead programmer/project manager Pagan: Product tester Website: Website will be available upon the product's first beta release. Contacts: Additional Info: TableTop Online is a virtual table top for table top RPG gamers. Think Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire, or Gurps. There are two opensource programs that do essentially the same thing OpenRPG (python) and WebRPG(java). Both are rather slow, WebRPG seems to be the slowest, I think it's due to low funds and hacky code. Since it's closed source there's no way to tell. What will make TableTop Online better? It'll be faster, less buggy, and supported. There will be no subscription fee. Feedback: Any and all.
--before honor is humility--

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