
How to find a games publisher

Started by February 08, 2001 12:41 AM
1 comment, last by andreww 23 years, 8 months ago
I am a published author (8 times) and specialist in a subject that would make a fascinating simulation game. I have an idea and the credentials to make such a game a huge worldwide success, because the subject is a pastime for many millions around the world. And what is more, I don''t believe the game has been done before. What should I do with this idea? How do I reach a ga,es publisher who might want to take a closer look? I would be most grateful for a lead to take this idea further.
Okay, I think I already reply to something very similar. Don''t expect your game to be done by a publisher by the only fact that you have a good idea. There is tons of people who are sending them ideas in a year and sometimes they dont even develop one. What you have to do is to make some design document of what you want in your game... like a plan of what the game will look like, what will be the features that will make it different, the technology, etc.. (I could make a template for you but there is already tons of them on this website)

After that, they "could" take a look at it if they got enough time on their hands... and if and I really mean IF your game is somewhat one in a million that could make a AAA game as a first game and that could sells tons of copies.. (pretty rare for a first time developer) then you have chances to be funded for developing it.

But I dont think you can expect from a publisher to develop a game for you or even more to buy your idea...

Ideas dont worth a dime, its what you do with it

Good luck!

"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
Go to your favorite search engine (Yahoo, Altavista, etc) and type in:

"Snowball, chance, hell"

and you should get a pretty good listing.

Nobody is going to pick up "an idea". You should have--AT A MINIMUM--a completed design document for a game.

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