
NeHe lessons 1-10

Started by May 27, 2006 03:18 AM
4 comments, last by twentytwo 18 years, 4 months ago
Is it just me or is it weird that lessons 1-8 are pretty much the same and easy to follow. THEN, lesson 9 talks about moving bitmaps and random lighting and how you can change the light on an object and moving things on the x axis that now faces me and then you turn it back a line later and then they rotate on the z axis, and there is alot more. To me it seems that it jumps from 8-9 and gives to much information to follow. And then from lesson 9-10, it gives the code online and says to download the source code to follow along. This would be fine if I could follow along and understand it. On the web page its out of order of the source code and it doesnt give explanasions for every line. IM NOT SAYING THAT THESE TUTORIALS ARE BAD I'm just saying that I'm having a hard time following them after lesson 8. I just want to know if its me or if there is anyone else that agrees with me. Thank you for your time.
I agree with you.
Maybe he should insert more lessons between 8 and 10 tutorial for transition.
I thought the same thing when I first read those tutorials. Though keep at it and it and you will understand in the end.
____________________________________________________________Programmers Resource Central
As you perhaps noticed, accuired NeHe productions and is updating the content.
They formed a team which'll create new tutorials and lessons which are more OOP-designed and completely new structured...
So wait some time and then take a look at the new page.
I can definitely see how someone who has never seen an array before could be confused by the description. In lesson 9 it is said, "The name of the array is star. The number of arrays is [num]." The number of arrays is not [num]. I'm not even sure what that means... I think what NeHe was trying to say was that the integer num defines the number of elements in an array. But star[num] is just one array. One array with "num" elements.

whatever... I don't see how I can explain it any better then NeHe did. Overall, these tutorials rock!

Yeah, that star paragraph is a nightmare. You can fix it by saying "The number of STRUCTURES is [num]". Other than that, it's just bad english... "So because num=50, we now have an array called star"... um... ok.

Personally, I just re-typed each lesson in line by line as it explained the code, and it worked exactly as advertised... (of course, I used the Letter Book pdf version)

Though its true that some comments are badly phrased (like how a GLuint is supposed to store Texture Memory...), I wouldn't say it was too hard to follow.

I just hope they don't go too OOP and break it up too much - that can make it HARDER for newbies to understand...


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