
I want SF & Fantasy

Started by June 05, 2006 07:39 AM
12 comments, last by XisZ 18 years, 4 months ago
I like my games (those I play) to have a fantasy setting. That or SF. Sure, Simcity, the Sims, Battlefield xxxx, Medal of Honor, all good games, but HL 2, StarCraft, Wow, Heroes of Might & Magic, Unreal etc, I'd play these any day. Ever since the elements were presented, I've been trying to get my head around a decent idea for a game that has some kind of Fantasy or SF setting. (Would be so much nicer than yet another WOII game) It could be the lack of imagination, but especially the europe element prevents me from coming up with a Fantasy or FS setting. I suppose I could dig into some Urban Legends and Folklore, but I'd imagine there's lot more to use. In that light, I was kind of hoping we could start a bit of a discussion on how to add SF or Fantasy to (our?) entries. Any ideas about this? Any sources we could use? What can be used or what should definitely not be used? All ideas & thoughts are appreciated :) Thanks
They did say fantasy or future Europe are allowed.
So your Europe doesn't have to be the Europe we know.

It could be the European Galactic Empire, or if you want fantasy, maybe the evil dragonriding mages from America are invading your fair European nation?
There is nothing preventing you from creating a sci-fi or fantasy game. The population of Europe controlled by the governments in the future, you're to save Europe, would be a great theme for a sci-fi game (actually pretty similar to what I intend). Europe in the middle-age with dragons, mages etc. could also easily be done, though you might need some more to really focus on the Europe theme.

IMO the emblem is the worst element, just putting the emblem a couple of places wouldn't make for an exciting integrating.
Thanks for the reply.

I suppose I should have made it more clear, that I am not looking whether it is allowed to have a fantasy setting, but rather how to incorporate a fantasy/sf setting within the boundaries of the given elements.

edit: thanks CTar. Those are more of the ideas I'm looking for!
Quote: Original post by Traveler
It could be the lack of imagination, but especially the europe element prevents me from coming up with a Fantasy or FS setting.

The term "medieval" is pretty much synonymous (to some under-educated people) with "fantasy." And representations of "medieval" lands are invariably situated in Europe.

Quote: In that light, I was kind of hoping we could start a bit of a discussion on how to add SF or Fantasy to (our?) entries.

Please don't "add" SF or Fantasy. There's nothing worse than appliqué thematics.
Quote: Original post by Oluseyi
Please don't "add" SF or Fantasy. There's nothing worse than appliqué thematics.

Come on, everybody knows your game tastes better when you sprinkle it with orcs, elves and dwarves. And the more the better. [rolleyes]

Where have the traditional fairy tales gone?
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Why can't you have SF in Europe? Which countries are allowed SF?
Quote: There is nothing preventing you from creating a sci-fi or fantasy game. The population of Europe controlled by the governments in the future, you're to save Europe, would be a great theme for a sci-fi game (actually pretty similar to what I intend).

Grrrr... Also similar to what I intend to do.
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
I've been working on a fantasy game and when the elements for 4E5 were announced, I was upset because didn't know how I could revise my game so that it took place in Europe. I obtained a solution by asking myself, "if I were really the badass wizard I pretend to be on the internet, what would I do with my powers?"

My answer to this question became the answer to my dilemma.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the problem isn't intractable. You just need to be creative. Of course, that's probably why these elements were chosen: to encourage us to be creative.
"Sir, it is pie." - Mark TwainThe ArchWizard's site.
Quote: Original post by ArchWizard
Of course, that's probably why these elements were chosen: to encourage us to be creative.
Uh oh, they're onto me... [grin]

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
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