
the cyclopse, menotaur , skeleton and the orc.

Started by June 29, 2006 07:07 AM
7 comments, last by badeen 18 years, 2 months ago
so i got some starting thoughts regarding a somewhat "stupifying" game : "once upon a time there was a nerd cyclopse, gothic menotaur,skeleton pirate and a PIMP orc.........." these are the main charechtars , i want some openions (with explaination) about who is best fit to be the hero. example: Nerd Cyclopes is a scientest .. who was working on a project to create a menotaur to destroy double eyed glasses in the world , but for some reason , the skeleton pirates raided the lab to acquire some equipments for fixing a ship.the nerd cyclope's project wasn't completed , he didn't get to finish the gothic menotaur's intelgince unit , so he sent the gothic menotaur on hunt for the skeleton pirates to get back the equipment. the gothic menotaur meets the PIMP orc to supply him with an armory . at the end of the story(after all the equipment was assembled) , the nerd cyclopes was ready to work his machine to give the menotaur an intelgince unit ... suddenly a fuse blew GAMEOVER. what could be done to turn this into a full blown game design?. sugsest how overall game play should be handeled , what should levels be about and most importantly how the game should END. thnx
Quote: Original post by badeen
So I have some starting thoughts regarding a somewhat "stupefying" game :
"Once upon a time, there was a nerdy cyclops, a gothic minotaur, a skeleton pirate and a pimp orc ..."

These are the main characters, I want some opinions (with explanations) about who is best fit to be the hero.


The nerdy Cyclops is a scientist who was working on a project to create a minotaur to destroy double eyed glasses in the world. But for some reason, the skeleton pirates raided the lab to acquire some equipment for fixing a ship. The nerdy cyclops' project wasn't completed, he didn't get to finish the gothic minotaur's intelligence unit, so he sent the gothic minotaur on a hunt for the skeleton pirates to get back the equipment.

The gothic minotaur meets the pimp orc to supply him with an armory. At the
end of the story (after all the equipment was assembled), the nerdy cyclops
was ready to work his machine to give the minotaur an intelligence unit ...
suddenly a fuse blew: game over.

What could be done to turn this into a full blown game design? Suggest
how overall game play should be handeled, what should levels be about and
most importantly how the game should end.

Thank you.

The first level should be about the minotaur finding a spell-checker before posting. Yes, definitely that.

On a more serious note, the choice in adjectives and character descriptions marks this design as a silly game in the vein (and reminiscent) of, say, Crash Bandicoot. This kind of storytelling rests mainly on very short descriptive sequences which go to the point with a lot of punch, and then has the player run through silly levels and obstacles. This in turn will require that the characters can be brushed into existence in a few short strokes and interact with each other with maximum humoristic efficiency.

Fun potential rests in:

  • Minotaur horns.
  • Gothic behavior.
  • Symbiosis between minotaur lore (cannibalism, mostly) and blood/death/pain gothic obsession.
  • Single cyclops eye.
  • Cyclops timidity.
  • Contrast between the nerdy cyclops and its traditionnaly body-building siblings.
  • Pirate skull jokes.
  • Unability to drink rum without a stomach.
  • Unability to swim without flesh.
  • Unability to wear belts (thus, pants) without a fleshy abdomen.
  • Idiotic let's bash them orcish nuisance.
  • Traditional orcish WAAAAAGH! theme.
  • Orcish weakness to sunlight.
  • The orc's bling-bling accoutrement.

Potential sources of conflict are:

  • Death: the skeleton pirate is dead while the gothic minotaur writes poems about it. The dead skeleton would probably be annoyed at his limitations while the live minotaur would dream of death.
  • Planning: the orc jumps head first shouting at the top of his lungs, while the nerdy cyclops thinks first and then acts.
  • Action: the orc is always on the move, while the gothic minotaur detests taking any action and prefers lamenting on his sad life. Besides, the orc wonders why the minotaur wears his teeth on his head.
  • Flesh: the cyclops is a weakling, and even a flesh-less skeleton with no muscles is stronger than him. On the other hand, the pirate would give an arm, a leg or an eye for a swing of rum or a cigar. Sorry, no lungs.
  • Plundering: pirates have an unending need to hide away treasure on secret islands, instead of wearing bling-bling chains around their necks or vertebrae, thus some inmity against the orc and vice versa.
  • Popularity: the minotaur feels the cyclops has the brains on his side and can be quite successful in life, so he should not be complaining about brawn all the time. Conversely, the cyclops knows the otherwise-strong Mr. Cow keeps complaining about how sad his life is, when his own is much, much sadder.

Make your pick.
Quote: Original post by ToohrVyk
The first level should be about the minotaur finding a spell-checker before posting. Yes, definitely that.


  • ...
  • Unability to drink rum without a stomach.
  • Unability to swim without flesh.
  • Unability to wear belts (thus, pants) without a fleshy abdomen.
  • ...


*cough* Inability *cough* [grin]
Well, at least my typography is flawless!
thanx ,..that was helpful!,
anyways I'm kinda having problems in finding a situation where the pimp orc meets the pirate skeleton, know...the sea,the streets ,ect.
so basicly what i need is a place where they all meet.
a good discribtion would be nice.
thanx again
Umm... I would have thought that the docks would have been the most natural place for a pimp and a sailor to meet...

Quote: Original post by jjd
Umm... I would have thought that the docks would have been the most natural place for a pimp and a sailor to meet...

only if there's prostitute elves **drools**

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Yes, obviously, an Orcish Pimp and a Skeleton Pirate would meet on the docks, on shoreleave, around some inebriated elven hookers. Whom can be hooked by Skeleton Pirate's hook. Or not...
Yours faithfully, Nicolas FOURNIALS
I thought about making the pimp orc supply weapons and stuff to the minateur,and I don't think prostitute elves will look good in optimized mesh!!!
the dock idea is good ,but I want the enviroment to be fun,not just empty space
and a sand texture on the ground! I thought about making a funfair, but I think it would destroy the remaning essence of this stupid story!!! so,I suggesting something not too boring, and not too mind stimulating that it gives a headache!
lol,thanx again.

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