[web] Free .com ?

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7 comments, last by Nice Coder 17 years, 8 months ago
Does anybody know a honest site where you can get free .com s? Is it even possible? Also How do I turn my pc into a server so people can type XXX.XXX.XXX etc. and get whatever I put up there?
Matt : mattb0001@hotmail.comClick me please

Get the HTTP Server
Free .com's are not possible. Whoever gave them away would have to pay the fees to register them for you (someone does, the TLD registar charges not matter what... actually there are NO TLDs that are free, .org/.net/.whatever).

You can get cheap/free subdomains like mydomain.higherdomain.com only.
goto www.dot.tk You can get a free .tk address there.

Say you wanted www.mycrazysite.tk If no one else has that one yet, you could use that.
Quote:Original post by neonic
goto www.dot.tk You can get a free .tk address there.

Say you wanted www.mycrazysite.tk If no one else has that one yet, you could use that.

Kudos for the link!
Ok got the apache thingie, now how do I make it open to the world?
Matt : mattb0001@hotmail.comClick me please
Domain names are extremely cheap, you should be able to afford $7.99 a year.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
There was a company who did this around Y2K, they would serve a banner along the bottom of the page. Like other have said, you can get free .tk addresses, or subdomains but are not really that useful. Registering a .com name is pretty cheap.

If you're running Apache off your local PC then your IP will most likely change from time to time. This is standard practice, as it stops users from doing what you are trying to do. You can't point a domain name straight to your IP as every time your IP changes you would need to update your DNS settings, and that takes up to 24 hours to come into effect.

Most companies like GoDaddy offer a masking/redirection service for your domain name. That means that www.yourdomain.com will point to their servers, which host a single <frame> element that points to your "real" address, for example www.yourisp.com/members/yourname/ or your IP. This is not optimal as you can't really direct users to go to www.yourdomain.com/page_name.html

There are some services which are geared towards running sites off of dynamic addresses. That would be easier for you, as it is pretty much set and forget. Take a look at No-IP.com. I've never used them, but they should be enough for someone just starting out.
Go to www.uni.cc They are significantly better then .tk (no adds, at all).

You then set it up to do a url forewarding (hiding the new url), and you register a no-ip account.

You then get it to redirect to http://yournoip.no-ip.whatever

And you have yourself a website, which you can use so long as you keep your computer up. (i ran this for my website for months, until telstra's infra here died and they had to spend 6 months repairing it :@)
Click here to patch the mozilla IDN exploit, or click Here then type in Network.enableidn and set its value to false. Restart the browser for the patches to work.

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