
Why is there no SDK for opengl?

Started by March 05, 2001 01:14 AM
18 comments, last by Possibility 23 years, 11 months ago
Why is there no sdk for opengl like there is for Directx? The DirectX sdk is so nice, i have been using it for over a year, it gives such detailed help. Where can I find an identical source for opengl, and one thats not in some crappy .pdf format? Possibility
try .

I think he''s refering to the fact that the MS DirectX SDK has the lib''s, sample programs, tutorials and help/doc files explaining all the functions.

This is actually one thing that I think is a fault of the OpenGL community. There should be a single download that includes the lib''s, some type of doc files for all the functions, and a couple sample programs.

If your useing Windows then you can get descriptions of all the functions from MSVC++ by going to the help->index and typing the function name. For sample code you have to search the web for a site like this. And of course any lib''s will be platform dependant.

This was actually one of my problems when I started. I found the lib''s. Then when I got MSVC I could get help with all the functions. And then I finally found nehe and got samples/tutorials.
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Let me be a little more clear, I am not looking for opengl drivers, but rather help documentation like what you get with the directx sdk. A place where I look up exact details on a opengl function like glEnable(). I read through lots of stuff on the opengl web page, but it doesnt explain stuff in good enough detail in their online documentation. Where can I go to get opengl's equivalent of ms's directx sdk?


I wrote this message before avian posted his. I will check out the msdn, thanks. Thats pretty sad I have to go to a microsoft help doc to learn about opengl. But I suppose that is why MS is a multi-billion dollar company, they provide good stuff.


Edited by - Possibility on March 5, 2001 4:52:14 AM
MSDN library will be enough if you just want function descriptions. (part of the platform SDK)

If you want good descriptions, get the red book (tutorials) or blue book from your library. There is also a white one for windows programming, but I didn''t find that immensley useful.

These can be found online - a search at OpenGL .org will do fine, and I have links from my sorted links section at


Brett Porter
PortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGL
~~~Cheers!Brett PorterPortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGLCommunity Service Announcement: Read How to ask questions the smart way before posting!
I don''t think this is a fault or anything.

They are two OpenGL Official books called Blue and Red Book (Opegnl Programming Guide and OpenGL Reference Manual) that are available and are way more interesting than any DirectX doc you can find.
(Those books are much more descriptive than everything I''ve ever been able to find about DirectX)

Those books are best than a SDK, IMO.

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
Just to follow up... =)

You already have the GL SDK with VC. You have the headers and LIB, documentation (in MSDN) and examples (also in MSDN). This is pretty much everything DirectX has, just much smaller in size when you compare to the DX SDK. =)
Creativity is a bloody nuisance and an evil curse that will see to it that you die from stress and alcohol abuse at a very early age, that you piss off all your friends, break appointments, show up late, and have this strange bohemian urge (you know that decadent laid-back pimp-style way of life). The truly creative people I know all live lousy lives, never have time to see you, don't take care of themselves properly, have weird tastes in women and behave badly. They don't wash and they eat disgusting stuff, they are mentally unstable and are absolutely brilliant. (k10k)
all I can say is: Whoops!

Who needs an OpenGL SDK anyway when you can get the great NeHe tutorials?
Are the blue and red book available online anywhere in an easy to use help document for free? I would hate to have to buy 2 books to just use opengl.

This is my first attempt at opengl, and after having been spoiled by Microsoft''s DirectX, I have to say this is another major dissapointment of open source code and stuff thats come from unix/linux programmers -- lack of decent documentation.


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