AI Wisdom books have articles on some of the various decision concepts used in Tycoon games. Some of them are similar to economic decisions that the AI needs to make in RTS games.
That, however, is your problem. You are assuming that there are decision processes that are specific only to tycoon games - and therefore you continue to ask for those. Really, there are not a lot of AI techniques that are endemic to tycoon games - largely due to what has been told to you repeatedly in this thread... there's too many variations of "tycoon" games. Let's face it... Railroad Tycoon is different than School Tycoon which is different than Skate Park Tycoon which differs from my game, "Airline Traffic Manager". (Airline Tycoon was taken by a pretty pathetic game). Even comparing two transportation sims... mine and Railroad Tycoon... we have very different issues to solve which gives us different AI.
I think your approach should be to learn general AI techniques. Those are your tools in the toolbox. Also, learn how to break a problem down into component parts and then glue it back together. Once you have the tools and the thought process down, you can address almost any issue that should arise - be it in a FPS, RTS, TBS, or a "Tycoon" game.