
Program unplayably slow on Linux, awesome on Windows

Started by December 11, 2007 03:10 PM
57 comments, last by RSC_x 16 years, 9 months ago
Ubuntu prefers .deb packages, I think it can't do rpm.

Anyway, this should help with installing drivers. The proper
Ubuntu way :P


I am cant argue with THAT can you!!!
The closest thing I have doesn't list those options. (I'm on Kubuntu, after an uninstallation practically crippled my Linux by uninstalling just about everything else remotely related to the thing I uninstalled.)

Furthermore, it's an Intel 810, not an ATI, nVidia, or whatever the third one was.


glxinfo | grep direct returned Yes

Further Edit:

There is a file in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers and I am searching for corresponding files in usr/bin, etc.

Yet Another Edit:

So apparently just about everything in my Linux install requires Mesa to live, and I cannot remove it. So what I need to do is, as a poster earlier in this thing said, enable DRI. The problem is, I cannot find the proper config files for it. They don't seem to exist in the places where it says they should.

How can I activate DRI, and if I activate DRI, will I need to edit my code to use it, or will its use be automatically taken care of by Mesa for any and all OpenGL programs?

Thanks in advance (again),


[Edited by - Aken H Bosch on December 12, 2007 1:49:19 AM]
Signature go here.
I don't think you need to uninstall anything.
Once you install Kubuntu, it should detect th 810 and rendering will be through MESA. You probably need to right click on your desktop, click configure and put a check mark on "accelerate 3D".

I agree. Linux is confusing and not straighforward.
I specially love the "black screen of death".

Also, read again what Songho said.
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);
Quote: Original post by vibe3d
did i not answer your question in my post? ...yes i did!!. I merely pointed out you could have found your answers very easily using google.

I didn't ask you a question. And frankly with that attitude I wouldn't want an answer from you. If you can't be polite and/or helpful I don't see much point in replying to a question you're apparently "sick of".
Giftiger WunschProof that god is imaginary:
I'm on my Windoze again because I messed up Linux... again.

I tried to change the graphics card and now it won't start right.

It turned out I've been using a 945 all this time. (Dang). How do I use the terminal to change back to my 945?

Sorry for asking so many 'easy' questions, but this is very frustrating and Google is not being much help right now.
Signature go here.
You are probably having the same problem that I had a while ago...

Try this in a terminal (it installs the package 'libgl1-mesa-dri' using the aptitude package manager):

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri

For some reason, it seems some installs of Gutsy (which you are probably running) didn't include this package, which is needed for Direct Rendering Infrastructure (a way for hardware accelerated OpenGL in linux).

MESA isn't an entirely software renderer. Mesa is a free implementation of GL, including software rasterizer for those operations, that can't be accelerated. Currently it uses DRI to render everything and it _is_ hardware accelerated. I use mesa's free DRI drivers and they have good performance (enough for rich Compiz features in 1280x1024 on old R9000 card).
And 'indirect rendering' != 'not-accelerated rendering'. There is some overhead, because geometry must be sent to server, but it is counted on card.
Quote: Original post by Bluebat
MESA isn't an entirely software renderer. Mesa is a free implementation of GL, including software rasterizer for those operations, that can't be accelerated.

Actually, it contains a software implementation for pretty much everything, even GLSL (though quite buggy right now). The people behind Mesa, especially Brian, are all very talented guys, and the whole project is quite impressive if you think about it from a technical point of view. But you really have to question its usefulness. I personally think it is wasted talent and energy.

Quote: Original post by Bluebat
Currently it uses DRI to render everything and it _is_ hardware accelerated. I use mesa's free DRI drivers and they have good performance (enough for rich Compiz features in 1280x1024 on old R9000 card).

Not on modern 3D cards. All recent NVidia and ATI cards bypass DRI and Mesa completely. Which is the right thing to do, since it allows the manufacturer to optimize the drivers specifically to the rendering architecture of their cards, without useless additional indirections over Mesa or the completely over-engineered DRI. The whole open source deal is another huge problem, especially in a market segment as competitive as GPUs. It's obvious that manufacturers want to keep their drivers closed source.

Of course, there are things (for the lack of a better term ;) like Nouveau, but this is just vapourware, and will never work.
Both ATI and INTEL have open source drivers. The ati ones are still been worked on and due to replace closed source drivers onced finshed. They can't simply open source the current closed source drivers because it contains code develeped by another company.

Acording to the wiki ATI closed source drivers use DRI, don't quote me on that though. Its from a wiki page.

The major one left is nvidia. Then were sorted.
Quote: Original post by Aken H Bosch
I'm on my Windoze again because I messed up Linux... again.

I tried to change the graphics card and now it won't start right.

It turned out I've been using a 945 all this time. (Dang). How do I use the terminal to change back to my 945?

Sorry for asking so many 'easy' questions, but this is very frustrating and Google is not being much help right now.

Using the terminal, edit the config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' (I think the 'nano' text editor is included with Ubuntu). Use 'sudo' to edit the file as root user, or you cannot save the changes.

$ sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confPassword:

Skip a couple of pages until you get to:

Section "Device"	Identifier	"Intel"	Driver		"i810"...

Make sure the 'Driver' is set to 'i810'. And no that's not a mistake, the i810 driver functions for the 945 too.

In Nano, use 'CTRL+X' to quit, and 'y' to confirm changes.

Now to restore Gnome/KDE/Whatever:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

"The right, man, in the wrong, place, can make all the dif-fer-rence in the world..." - GMan, Half-Life 2

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