Violence in Games

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178 comments, last by ApochPiQ 16 years ago
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
Quote:The way you two are talking, it seems apparent Germany may not be considered such a free country.

It seems apparent that you have no idea how free we are.
I happen to live in the very same country, and I have to say that DrEvil is quite right. Besides, I am one of the people who are very unhappy with Germany becoming Naziland once again. As if once wasn't enough.

Just to clarify, with "Naziland", I am not talking of a dozen idiots shaving their heads and wearing boots singing hate songs, and smashing a few windows.
I am talking about a government that systematically reverses the presumption of innocence (a cornerstone of the constitutional state) and systematically builds up a surveillance state, employing area-wide camera surveillance, biometric passports and biometric surveillance, DNA-catalogisation, wiretapping, logging and scanning phone and internet connections, withholding and recording of bank transfers, recording flight data, and many other intrusions of privacy and personal rights.

It has to be said that we're not talking about dangerous criminals, rapers, murderers or terrorists here, we're talking about you and me, people who (presumbably) have never been in conflict with the law.
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
Quote:Original post by DrEvil
You hold a belief that games cause harm to kids despite zero supporting evidence, and in fact plenty of evidence of the opposite.

Games are bad for my social nerve (<---- EVIDENCE) , but at least I have good hand-eye coordination (<---- YOUR POINT HAS MERITS).

No, that is not 'evidence' in the slightest; that is and opinion or, at best, the effect on ONE person, which is not statistically relivent nor a good basis for any action what so ever.

Quote:have any effect on the things you feel you are targeting, is just disgusting to me. In the case of Konfusius, it's even worse, as his motivation seems to be based on his personal dislike of something,

It's called "taste". :P
Quote:and the blatantly wrong judgments he is making about those that would play that which he dislikes.

I'm free to have an opinion, right?

Yes, you are free to have an opinion based on your own personal taste, however trying to push that opinion on others as a 'fact' is crossing the line.

You don't like it? Fair enough, you are free to dislike things, however just because you dislike things doesn't mean that your view is the only one which is right.

Until you can get over yourself and accept that not everyone is going to share your point of view this whole discussion is somewhat pointless as neither party is going to suddenly see the other party is right.
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
I hate it. But I don't object to it because it is obvious that many people rid themselves of their qualms when they go online.

Obvious? Says who? It's obvious to me that despite having some pretty disgusting content available online the overwhelming majority of people who have access to it don't have problems. You want to enact laws and government involvement for actions that a statistically insignificant group of people might do, in the face of no evidence.

Such as, holding conspirative antisemitic (just an example) meetings?

Haha, what propaganda piece has convinced you of this garbage?

It seems apparent that you have no idea how free we are.

You're right, I know little about laws and freedom in Germany, other than a bit about how they have odd(to me) game rating requirements.

Quote:Hahaha, yeah it's funny.

I don't find it funny at all. Anything involving the government coming in and regulating the lives of private people is not at all amusing.

Quote:Games are bad for my social nerve (<---- EVIDENCE) , but at least I have good hand-eye coordination (<---- YOUR POINT HAS MERITS).

Now that is funny. phantom already destroyed that so I won't repeat. Do I need to link you to the definition of evidence? It seems you are having trouble with that part of the discussion.

Quote:That has even less proof to it than anything that has been said before in this thread.

Not really. Banning something that clearly contributes very little to the problem will likely have very little effect on the garbage you are trying to 'protect society from'.

Quote:It's called "taste". :P

Taste doesn't involve forcing it on others. Taste in this context means preference. It is not a moral high ground which you can just throw out there as a basis of how the government should regulate everyone else.

You are in effect saying "Government should regulate everyone based on my taste" That's complete bullshit.

Quote:From your argumentation I presume you don't have your HD full with exploitation movies and r* pictures. Else, you just wouldn't care about anything I've said. Can you follow?

No. Explain what that has to do with anything?

Quote:It isn't only about the kids, it's also about a standard in living.

Do explain how government involvement in how people privately entertain themselves is going to help standard of living. Enforcing your taste on others is more likely going to lead to the opposite.

You are clearly basing your entire viewpoint on your own taste, and not a shred of fact, statistics, or even slight evidence supporting games involvement in violence. It is truly an irrational position to attempt to force your personal viewpoints on others.
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
Quote:You hold a belief that games cause harm to kids despite zero supporting evidence, and in fact plenty of evidence of the opposite.

Games are bad for my social nerve (<---- EVIDENCE) , but at least I have good hand-eye coordination (<---- YOUR POINT HAS MERITS).

Games cured my cancer, AIDS, blindness, and hairy palms (<---- EVEN BETTER 'EVIDENCE')

Quote:and the blatantly wrong judgments he is making about those that would play that which he dislikes.

I'm free to have an opinion, right?

You're free to be wrong, yes.
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
Quote:Original post by Fantus69
Quote:Original post by Konfusius
Yes I'm sure. It's still my opinion that playing stuff like Manhunt can possibly make you a worse people.

OK, fair enough, then maybe that should read: "Again, imo if you are entertained by Manhunt (other than, "crap, these guys really pulled something like that"... well, possibly throws a shady light on you."

Otherwise you are accusing all who play and enjoy Manhunt of being "shady".

Either that, or uncritical in the choice of media they consume.

No. Buy buying, keeping and playing a game, a person is by default being critical, just not negatively so. A 'critique' is not necessarily a negative thing, e.g. One critic may critique a move and enjoy it, giving it a positive review, while another may critique it and give a negative review.

Quote:Original post by DrEvil
If despite all of this you still think government should get involved I don't know what else to say. It boggles the mind how stupid that is

Apoch, that's not okay. I was still thinking that this was needed because DrEvil did not think about parents unable to do their job due to no knowledge about it. Hence he's declaring my arguments as stupid so you warn me for just wanting to give him a lesson not to jump right into insulting conclusions which he did more than once just because he does not care to think about what he might be not seeing? I'm not imposing my views by repeating the same things over and over again each post, I'm just showing him sides of them he's missing. It'd be nothing wrong about that since that's the basic thing about a discussion but could he just refrain from using the word stupid on people, please? ;)

What do other moderators here think about that provided they read this? (that's why I do not use a pm here)

BTT, samoch, there are only 2 options here, either remove those logged data files resp. remove the respective new law altogether or leave it and then consequently make use of it by the regulated means of law. I do have my fears too about abuse and I actually presume it gets all down the hill but then I'd like to do at least some good with it and undoubtedly, getting kids and parents likewise from playing indefinitely and get stuck in their development or parenting duties is a worthy cause for me (might even lead to them getting aware of something going wrong in politics and vote the law down in the end ;)). I hope I made it clear that measures like I proposed earlier are only meant an additional thing and not a replacement to common responsibilities of society.

It's just that I want to point out that you can't have both: These laws that we get right now breaking privacy step-by-step apart for the sake of some terrorist fighting where it's still unclear if that ain't a plot at all in the end (I mean the terrorism) on the one hand, and the privacy still intact on the other. Either one of them or nothing I'd say.

Since I was always thinking more the practical way, I made these propositions and proposals for the case at hand. It's all about how you do it but if you can do it by not violating any privacy given the current framework of law, then in my opinion one should do that.
It you take my calling the concept and belief that there is need for such government regulation stupid to mean I'm calling you stupid that's up to you.

It is absolutely trivial for someone to discover how to do these things. Their ignorance is only as lasting as they wish it to be. Sitting back and claiming that a parents ignorance, or unwillingness to seek out the information is reason enough for government intervention is just wrong. The information is all around us, parents only need ask the questions. If you think that the parents are incapable of that then they are also incapable of raising children to begin with. You act like legions of cave men are accessing the internet and we can't expect them to think for themselves. There is no justification for such a stance.

It is a parents responsibility to protect and raise their children, period. Nobody else has that responsibility. Nobody knows everything, which is why we have things like books, google, and countless other sources of information that a truly concerned parent can easily use to find this information. Ignorance is not a justification.
Quote:Original post by DrEvil
You act like legions of cave men are accessing the internet and we can't expect them to think for themselves. There is no justification for such a stance.

Dude. Have you even been to the internets?
M4lV: Any person entirely unwilling or unable to be a decent parent will not be a decent parent. Censoring media or interaction with it will not magically make such people good parents. At best, it will make life harder for everybody else.

Feel free to trade your freedom for whatever purposes you want, but my freedom is not yours to give away.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Since we're basically just rehashing the same stuff endlessly, I think this thread has outlived its usefulness.

For the record, I won't be targetting anyone for harsher consequences because I don't want to be taking sides in the issue. In my view after the warnings from myself and LessBread things calmed down sufficiently, so there's no need to be a nazi about it.

Everyone just keep in mind the rules of conduct in the future.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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