
Debugging scripts and Intellisense

Started by October 28, 2008 07:14 PM
0 comments, last by WitchLord 15 years, 11 months ago
I have read a few posts here, and go through the tutorial again. I found that the Debugging scripts topic is in the to-do list. do you have any plan when you will work on that topic? After I half way to merge the script engine into our application, the next topic coming to my head is how to provide a simple interface to detect the script error, how to help user to find the methods inside of particular type (similar intellisense system in VS). Do you have any suggestions on this before I go any futher?
AngelScript provides the interface for debugging scripts, i.e. provides features for stepping through scripts line by line, setting break points, etc (check out line callback and suspend features). The context interface also allows you to examine the callstack and variables in the functions. You can see the principles for this in the tests/test_feature/source/test_debug.cpp file.

To provide intellisense though, you'll have to implement your own parser, so that you can scan the scripts for function and variable declarations even before the script is compileable. You can probably use the as_parser.cpp as a base for this.

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