
Ideas for collaborative virtual environments

Started by March 23, 2009 01:39 PM
7 comments, last by jColton 15 years, 6 months ago
Hello , For the ending of my studies i have to come up with a tech demo and a paper having the title collaborative virtual environments.Basically an application with graphics which communicates with other applications with graphics via internet. I have to come up with an idea but i don't have a clue on what the application should actually do. What technology could i use having ~1 year development time? And what would you create having the title collaborative virtual environments?? Thanks, Raxvan P.S. The demo must NOT be a game , but right now i am exploring all the possibilities in hope that i would find something that is really cool.
There isn't any need to build this yourself. There are already existing network technologies/services ( ie Second Life, Croquet (, etc.. which allow virtual collaboration using any medium ( text, graphics, sound etc.. ).

Try using one of those. I suggest Second Life, they provide full scripting support for the front end, so you'll be able to tailor it too your needs.

Good Luck!

Quote: Original post by ddn3
There isn't any need to build this yourself. There are already existing network technologies/services ( ie Second Life, Croquet (, etc.. which allow virtual collaboration using any medium ( text, graphics, sound etc.. ).

Try using one of those. I suggest Second Life, they provide full scripting support for the front end, so you'll be able to tailor it too your needs.

Good Luck!


I'm not really searching for something already implemented, i am looking for something new and innovative. If i ware to use something like that i would still have to come up with an idea. Not to mention that the 2 have really big limitations, and the graphics& design will make my eyes bleed.

Thanks , Raxvan
When you say that your application must communicate with other applications with graphics, do you mean for example your application needs to connect to Google Map and uses that map to do something?

What is collaborating with what? Users of the same application, users of different application, or are applications collaborating?
Quote: Original post by Wai
When you say that your application must communicate with other applications with graphics, do you mean for example your application needs to connect to Google Map and uses that map to do something?

What is collaborating with what? Users of the same application, users of different application, or are applications collaborating?

The main idea is to create a client + server which communicate. The server and client must use a virtual environment to offer services to a user or to prove a technology works , for example.
Another example would be a client which allows multiple designers to interact in the same virtual environment.

Thanks, Raxvan
How about collaborative 3D modelling?
If innovation is the name of the game, I've always thought it would be cool to create an application which networked people in the real world, realtime so they can become something like a gestalt entity.

The idea is to attach a sensor network to each party ( we can call them nodes ), and this data is shared between all the other nodes simultaneously, through head up displays and virtual audio overlays. Basically its a realtime sharing of peoples lives as they live them! The other aspect is some sort of feedback mechanism of say a virtual chat board which all nodes can chat realtime. The idea is ultimately this close connectivty will breed some kind of super intelligence which is formed from all their collective experiences, which shares each nodes brainpower.


Thanks ddn3 , you have seen 2 many moves :). I think this is not a bad idea but is more related to AI.
Node x + 1, where x is number of people attached to the system, is the computer that will kill us all.

As for your question, what exactly do you want to do. What are your interests. There are unlimited possibilities and it is pretty unlikely we'll come up with the perfect idea.

Although that collaborative modeling idea would be very interesting. That definitely deserves some thought. It would be much easier then sending models to different team members to get help and would be faster than remoting into the team members computer. (tried this once and the lag was completely horrible.)

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