Superbible 4th ed. Ch 18 issues (FBO)

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4 comments, last by blewisjr 14 years, 3 months ago
This is more a sanity check then anything. There are 2 Example programs for this book (CH 18) which don't work at all. I am not sure why anyone else having this issue? The Samples are named fbodrawbuffers and hdrbloom. If you can I would appreciate if someone can run the pre compiled binaries and let me know what happens. Does it run fine? Or does it print errors to the console? Right now this book has me very frustrated and I would love to give opengl a solid look but this book is turning me away. I am at the point where I am ready to just go back to my DirectX Luna book where everything is rock solid. Would be nice if there was some errata for this damn OpenGL Book. is the link where the code resides. Keep in mind I am trying to run the authors binary and the examples are throwing the following errors to the console. GL Error FBO #1 Error FBO #2 Error
Works fine here. What graphics card do you have?

Make sure to update your drivers to the latest version.
Running a ATI HD 4850 with the Catalyst 9.12 drivers. 10.1 Drivers just came out let me try those maybe it is a bug.

[Edit] Same issue with the 10.1 drivers. Maybe the authors code for those examples is not ATI friendly.

[Edit2] After running GLIntercept on the Sample application it seems to be throwing some Errors internally. Here is a small excerpt.

GL ERROR - Function glFramebufferTexture2DEXT generated error GL_INVALID_OPERATIONGL ERROR - Function glFramebufferTexture2DEXT generated error GL_INVALID_OPERATIONGL ERROR - Function glFramebufferTexture2DEXT generated error GL_INVALID_OPERATIONGL ERROR - Function glFramebufferTexture2DEXT generated error GL_INVALID_OPERATIONGL ERROR - Function glFramebufferTexture2DEXT generated error GL_INVALID_OPERATIONImageSaveManager::Save2DImage - invalid width/height on imageInterceptImage::SaveTextureImage - Error saving image 5ImageSaveManager::Save2DImage - invalid width/height on imageInterceptImage::SaveTextureImage - Error saving image 6ImageSaveManager::Save2DImage - invalid width/height on imageInterceptImage::SaveTextureImage - Error saving image 7ImageSaveManager::Save2DImage - invalid width/height on imageInterceptImage::SaveTextureImage - Error saving image 8ImageSaveManager::Save2DImage - invalid width/height on imageInterceptImage::SaveTextureImage - Error saving image 9GL ERROR - Function glClear generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEnd generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEvalMesh2 generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEvalMesh2 generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEvalMesh2 generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXTGL ERROR - Function glEvalMesh2 generated error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT

[Edited by - blewisjr on February 3, 2010 4:52:22 PM]


i have a ATI HD 2400 Pro.Both the example is working fine.
Both work fine on gtx275 winxp.

I suggest you try GL3.1 or 3.2, a lot of cleaning has been done there, and it seems ATi are currently concentrated on perfecting those 2 versions.
As a temporary trick, try creating+attaching the depth-renderbuffer last; there was once a bug, depending on the order of attachment.
Any suggestions on books for that. Would my best bet be the latest orange and red books?

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