
Accepted to Digipen. Money concerns.

Started by January 22, 2011 03:54 AM
29 comments, last by bobbydriggs 13 years, 8 months ago
ONLY as it pertains to an entry-level job applicant, I would favor the traditional CS degree at Purdue over the trade degree at DP.

However, I would take either over people with no degree and no portfolio. After the entry level I would look at the list of completed projects over the school choice.

The forum FAQ lists quite a few important factors. You and your family should review them together. Your likelihood to complete the program should be one of the biggest concerns. Your ability to develop and learn at each environment is similarly very important.

Cost is certainly on the list, but less important than your ability to flourish. Choose a school and program that you can complete. An incomplete degree is an unfortunate waste of time and money.

[size=2]Doesn&#39;t Digipen have a good reputation with most companies though? I did finish my application to Purdue, which has a great CS program, so I will consider going there first. I will figure everthing out once I file my FAFSA and get word back from both schools.<br /> [size=2][size=2]<br /> People have varied opinions, and it will depend ultimately on who reviews your application. For example, <a href='&quot;;'>I do not value DigiPen&#39;s degree very highly</a>. But I would consider the person more than I would the degree. Others vary.
Go to a community collage. A credit there is like a 4th of the cost and you will get the same information.

I went to DeVry and regreted it ever since. If programming games is what you are passionate about, go to a community collage and educate yourself on things that will help make good games.

Things such as story line: english literature. English classes will teach you story telling methods. Maybe a better example is creative writing classes. You can then writing a compelling story for your game.

Creating art assets: art courses. Art classes will teach you methods of art from the centuries. You can then use that art style in your game.

Math and science: learn physics, math techniqes, and problem solving.

History: learn great things in history, use them to make a game out of it. I once papered up a game prototype following the actions of John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. I still think it will make a great game. If you don't know who John Booth is, you will not learn American History in Digipen.

Cinema and photography: learn about framing, and what the human focuses on when looking at a movie or photograph. Also teaches different techniques on telling a story with only images.

Buissness: get down economic numbers and how it all releates in the individual, company, economy. Useful for running your own indie group or for using in your game economy.

Oh, and you can take programming I guess, because making games is only about the programming. :P

The point I am giving is the taking only a focus subject robs you of the culture you can put into a game. My suggestion is, take 2 years at a community collage and get all of your non essensial credits out of the way. It will be cheaper for you and your dad, andyou will gain valuable knowlage about life. And I say that is very important in making a game.

I am only saying all of this because I did it too and now it sucks. And for the love of all that is programmed, do not, I repeate do not use Sallie Mae.

Good luck, and god speed. Excelsior!
Hey, thanks for all the opinions. I've got a better perspective now. and Tom Sloper, you should really stop posting only links to faqs, it comes across as lazy and apathetic, regardless of the content.

I will continue working on my 3D game and when I got more information from Purdue and Digipen then I will make my decision. Thanks!
For what it is worth, I went to Purdue, loved it, and had no problem at all landing a job before I had graduated. I majored in Computer Graphics Technology, not Computer Science, but the CS department at Purdue did seem to be pretty good. Are you from Indiana? If so then then the in-state tuition will be a fraction of Digipen's.
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Tom Sloper, you should really stop posting only links to faqs, it comes across as lazy and apathetic, regardless of the content

I'm not here to spoonfeed people who can't be bothered to read.

-- Tom Sloper --


'swilkewitz' said:
Tom Sloper, you should really stop posting only links to faqs, it comes across as lazy and apathetic, regardless of the content

I'm not here to spoonfeed people who can't be bothered to read.

I did read it, what I'm saying is that you've posted that link so many times that I've already seen it. In fact, so far I haven't read anything from you that wasn't a link to that faq. Anyway, let's not get into a petty argument, and I didn't mean to be rude.

I did read it, what I'm saying is that you've posted that link so many times that I've already seen it. In fact, so far I haven't read anything from you that wasn't a link to that faq. Anyway, let's not get into a petty argument, and I didn't mean to be rude.

I only give the link to people who ask questions that are already answered in the FAQs.
I assume that if they had already read the answer, they would not still be asking the question.
I too didn't mean to be rude.

-- Tom Sloper --

'swilkewitz' said:

I did read it, what I'm saying is that you've posted that link so many times that I've already seen it. In fact, so far I haven't read anything from you that wasn't a link to that faq. Anyway, let's not get into a petty argument, and I didn't mean to be rude.

I only give the link to people who ask questions that are already answered in the FAQs.
I assume that if they had already read the answer, they would not still be asking the question.
I too didn't mean to be rude.

Understandable, although that faq answers everything imagineable.

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