
Tales of Symphonia Art Style

Started by September 02, 2011 12:44 AM
5 comments, last by KellyJohnson 13 years, 6 months ago
Hey All,

I was curious, could anyone tell me or give me a direction about how Tales of Symphonia did their environment art. I'm fairly certain they used cel-shading for their characters. But what about the buildings and structures? How'd they get that type of a look?


Ehmm.. I would say plain old hand painted textures without normal mapping.
Fair enough. Thanks!
I love that game...I spent like 400 hours playing it total...and beat it like 7 times..

(in other words, I don't really have much of a life)


I feel ya, I loved the story and characters. So engaging and totally fun!
Similar to high-quality pixel-art work...


...they have wonderful colour-schemes and shading; they look nostalgic because they have this "pixel-art" feel. I'm sure that that rock-texture from the mountains in the first picture you posted could be used in a 2D game without any problem.

Open Photoshop, convert those game screenshots into 'Indexed Color' images (256 colors), and then look at the pallete. Notice how all the colors are analogous and fit with eachother.

That wood-plank ground in the second picture makes it clear that these textures are hand-painted, and due to this these textures have that "anime background art", handmade quality:


Research on pixel-art coloring and color-schemes, and apply these principles to the hand-painted textures you'll create. That's the secret.

Henk Nieborg's gallery: http://www.pixinspac...ery_pixels.html
Thanks! ^^ This is very helpful!

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