
Game Developer Interview

Started by November 14, 2011 01:39 PM
0 comments, last by Antheus 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi! I am currently doing a paper in my comp 101 class on the conditions of my field of choice, which is game development, specifically programming. I know a couple people, but for citational purposes I needed a first and last name, and they preferred to not share that information. All I need is answers to a few questions, and a first and last name. Also, if anyone has found any success in independent game development, that would be perfect, because that's always been what I want to do. However, any game programming job would work very nicely. Thanks in advance! The questions are:

Overall, how enjoyable is your job?

What is your favorite part of your job?

What is the biggest negative of working in game development?

Were you challenged by your work?

Are there any other important details you would like to add?

I look forward to hearing from somebody! Also, I can use multiple interviews, so don't shy away if someone has already responded :)

Asking to go on record and report to a third party the satisfaction and negatives about one's job is essentially either a big no-no, or downright forbidden by employment contract. At least for many big or at least notable employers, a survey like this cannot be performed.

I'm surprised such requirements are put into place, especially with a very specific and detailed privacy statement. Especially in the world of Facebook, Google and web archive, where everything is permanently recorded.

Sucks, but such is the corporate world. Even without legal nonsense, most people would completely refuse to say anything that is not supportive or positive of their current or past employer, so a survey like this will inevitably be very skewed. That, or people will give fake name..

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