
How to "recolor"?

Started by September 30, 2001 10:05 AM
1 comment, last by Necrosis 23 years ago
I dont know the actjual term for this, but I''m interested in learning how to take an image that has it''s own color''s. The goal, for example, would perhaps be wanting to change the entire color of an item to complete green if the user moves the mouse over it. Best game I can think of that did alot of this was Ultima Online, an item would turn yellow when your cursor was put over it, but the item maintained it''s shading''s! Targeting player''s and monsters would color them in with a designated color, and they all maintain the actual shading they had. And I think thats what my interest is, I want to be able to take an image with shading, and color it any color I want and maintain the shading entirely. I could print out my pictures, go out and buy color''ed transparencies (you know, what teachers used when you were a kid) and overlap it over the picture as I scan, but this really doesn''t do well if I want to be able to do this with ANY color. Can anyone explain how I can do this? Is there perhaps a tutorial if this is a big subject in itself? Or maybe even a book if this is all more complex then I thought? *ahem* ~All your base are belong to us~
actually this is quite easy (if you are using Photoshop):

all you need to do is find the Image/adjust/ hue&saturation menue, and check the little box in the lower right corner of the window (called "colorise").
Then you move the topmost lever along the bar until you have the color you want. Now you should have your source image in one color, retaining all the original shadings.
Ultima Online changes the colors of objects dynamically... they do not store different copies of the sprite in different colors. UO uses the same algorithms that Photoshop uses (or at least something similar), it''s just done at run-time. I wish I could point you to a tutorial... :|

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