
Spooky Heroes : Released on Steam !

Started by November 09, 2013 02:00 PM
25 comments, last by Daedolon 8 years, 3 months ago

Hi all !

Eight months without news. Quite a long time for such a small project. I've been quite busy with work and it left me little time/motivation to work on the game. One good side of such a situation is that it gives time to think about what needs to be done in the game.

And now that I found some time to work on it, I've been able to finish the next version of the game. This version mainly concentrates on adding new powers to enemies as well as adding decors to the game which was too empty to my taste. I still have some work to do on the graphics to improve them a little but I think I reached the visual feeling I wanted. The game now has a Spookyedia to allow player to check all enemies and boss powers after the first encounter. I also added a small story book as an introduction. Still need to work on the text though...

The new version is only available for Windows at the moment and still uses the alpha fund system of Desura. I'll add a free demo version next year for those of you who have not had the opportunity to try it.


Here is the changelog for version 0.8 :

Enemies reviewed :

Gobelin :

Passive : Clumsy - Sometimes hit itself with basic attacks

Power 1 : Rock Throw - Throw a rock bouncing 3 times

Power 2 : Glue Ball - Throw a ball slowing enemies

Power 3 : Boomerang - Throw a boomerang which returns to its owner after a short time

Power 4 : Smash - Heavy swing with high damage which stuns the target

Gobelin archer :

Passive : Clumsy

Power 1 : Rock Throw

Power 2 : Damage trap - Lay a trap damagin the first enemy touching it

Power 3 : Triple shot - Shoot 3 fast arrows

Power 4 : Volley - Shoot 5 arrows in the air

Orc :

Passive : Berserk - Deals 200% with basic attacks when below 30% life

Power 1 : Shield Bash - Dash with shield knocking down enemies

Power 2 : Axe Throw - Throw an axe

Power 3 : Warcry - Shout to self boost attack

Power 4 : Smash

Skeleton :

Passive : Auto revive - 25% to revive with 50% upon taking fatal damage

Power 1 : Life steal - Throw a skull damaging the target and healing the caster

Power 2 : Bonerang - Throw a bonerang which returns to its owner after a short time

Power 3 : Skull Mine - Place a skull on ground which explode when enemy touches it

Power 4 : Pain Shield - Create a shield around the caster which damages enemy when attacked with a basic attack

Triton Harpoon :

Passive : Water immune - Immune to water damage and breath undeer water

Power 1 : Weapon Throw - Throw its weapon

Power 2 : Thrust - Dash forward with a piercing thrust

Power 3 : Explosion - Unleash and explosion around the caster, knocking down enemies

Power 4 : Whirlwind - Launch a whirlwind which damage and knock up enemies

Triton Spear :

Passive : Water immune

Power 1 : Piercing Throw - Throw weapon which pierce through enemies

Power 2 : Thrust

Power 3 : Stun Trap - Place a trap which stuns the first enemy who touches it

Power 4 : Whirlwind

Ranger :

Passive: Quickness - Move faster

Power 1 : Piercing arrow - Shoot a piercing arrow

Power2 : Damage Trap

Power 3 : Stun trap

Power 4 : Volley

New enemy :

Orc Crossbow

Passive : Precision - 25% to deal 200% damage with basic attacks

Power 1 : Piercing Bolt

Power 2 : Double shot

Power 3 : Stun Trap

Power 4 : Headshot - One single shot with heavy damage

New feature :

Spookypedia : List all heroes, enemies and boss powers

Story Book : Display the story of the game

Stage update :

Maze : Added signpost to indicates the door and lever numbers to help finding the combination. Good luck ! biggrin.png

Graphic update :

Added decor to several stages

Hi all !

Been quite busy the past months, got married, new job, created another small game but having some free time now, I resumed work on Spooky Heroes.

The game is available on Desura with alpha funding on Windows only :


Here are some preview :



Here is the changelog :

- 1 new map :
- Swamp 1 : Inhabited by trolls. Beware toxic water and poison gaz

- 1 new hero :
- Barbarian : Go full passive !
- Battle frenzy : Move faster the more you attack
- Carnage : Deal more damage the more you attack
- Blood Lust : Drain life on successful hit
- Second Wind : Once per stage, can revive automatically instead of dying
- Berserk : 200% damage on basic attack when below 30% life

- 3 new enemies :
- Troll Shaman :
- Fireball
- Heal Zone
- Summon air elemental
- Bite : Damage the first enemy hit and heal the same amount
- Regeneration : Passively regenerate 2% life each second
- Troll Warrior :
- Mace Throw
- Ki
- Weapon Explosion
- Bite
- Regeneration
- Poisonous Plant :
- Poison Gaz : release a poison gaz upon death

- 1 new boss :
- Troll King :
- Call Reinforcements : Summon trolls to defend their king
- King Aura : Invincible while allies are nearby

- 3 new music :
- World map
- Underwater
- Swamp

- Reviewed water graphics

- Corrected several bugs

- Optimized all stages


Hi everybody,

I've been working hard on the game for the past weeks. The highlight of this new version are the new survival mode appearing in the game. This should extend the game life a little. Also, the new hero ultimate will allow the player to control any humanoid in the game ! A lot of new power to test for all of them ! Finally, the (fat) baby dragon will allow you to ride him and fly freely with a small ice ball for weapon.

I also planned all the remaining stage : 3 deserts, 1 mountain and 1 village. I expect to finish them in 1 or 2 week and will try my luck on Steam Greenlight. I hope to have your support !



- Graphic overhaul here and there

- Bug corrections

- New survival mode for 1 or 2 players with 2 actual version :
1) Cooperation : Player 1 and 2 must survive has many waves as possible
2) Competition : Player 2 can control any monster and must kill player 1.

- 1 new biome : Snow stages

- 5 new stages :
1) Swamp 2 : Classic swamp stage with poison water and traps.
2) River 3 : Cross the river on a raft. Do not fall in the poison water ! Attack barricades to detonate them and move forward.
3) Snow 1 : Discover dragons, either as a boss or a ride !
4) Snow 2 : Watch your step on icy floor as you jump from summit to summit !
5) Village 4 : Buy new useful items there

- 1 new hero : The Ninja
Melee attack
Shuriken : Throw 2 shurikens
Clone : Create a clone to help your for 15 sec
Invisibility : Becomes invisible and critical hit on first strike
Possession : Control the first enemy touched !
Swift (passive) : 25% chance to dodge attacks

- 2 new enemies :
Yeti Brawler :
Melee attack
Rock Throw
Body Slam
Boulder Crush
Heavy Hitter (passive) : 25% chance to stun with basic attack
Yeti Mage :
Melee Attack
Ice Spikes
Ice Ball
Ice Shield
Boulder Crush
Heavy Hitter

- 3 new items :
1) Dragon Egg : Summon a baby dragon to ride near dragon nests
2) Dragon scale : Repair 50% of your armor if you have any
3) Bone key : Open bone gates

- 1 new mechanism :
1) Icy floor : Watch your steps on it !

- 2 new rides :
1) Raft : Same as a boat but no cannon...
2) Baby Dragon : More stable than the flyform and can use ice ball !

- 2 new boss :
1) Blob, the goo spitter : Dodge his spits !
2) Tyrant, the dragon lord : It's getting hot !

- 1 new quest : Dragon Bounty (to unlock Ninja hero)


And some screen to finish :


Hi everybody !

With a last push, Spooky Heroes reached a release version !

A lot has been added :

- Bug corrections
- 3 new stages : Desert 1, 2 and 3
- 1 new village
- 2 new enemies : Crusader & Zealot
- 3 new boss : Baby Djinn, Walleye and the secret last boss
- 3 new items : Lava potion, Revive Potion and Poison potion
- Mobs spawn is now random
- Rift now randomly spawns, blocking the player progression until defeated. Rifts summons enemies until destroyed.
- Boulders now randomly fall from the ceiling
- More than 15 new quests
- 3 new survival maps
- New traps : lava and lava geysers

Here are some captures :

Hi everybody !

The Steam Greenlight page for the game has been created and your vote would be a HUGE help for the game !

If you think my work on Spooky Heroes is worth something, your vote would be really appreciated and helpful !

Vote for Spooky Heroes here !

Thanks to all of you !

Hi everybody,

I wanted to let you know that Spooky Heroes has received a complete graphic overhaul by a professional artist and the website has been updated as well to improve the professional feeling of this project.

The update is now finished and a demo is available on the website :

The full release will be available next week on the website and eventually on Steam if the game can pass the vote on Steam Greenlight.

Click here if you didn't vote yet for the game on Steam greenlight !

A video of the gameplay is available on the website too and here are some screenshots if you wonder about the new design :



Hi all,

After more than 2 years of planning, development, mistakes and promotions, Spooky Heroes has finally been released on Steam !

Thanks you all for your support during this time !

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