Sorry for the undescriptive title, couldn't really describe it in one sentence.
I'm having a lot of trouble with physx and to be honest, the documentation is rather lacking.
I've tried to ask on the official forums, but they're more or less a ghost town.
I'm currently having 3 problems I can't find a solution for:
1) PxScene::overlap always returns true
According to the documentation, it's supposed to return 'True if a blocking hit was found or any hit was found in case PxQueryFlag::eANY_HIT flag was specified.'.
In my trials it always returned true, whether there was an overlap or not:
physx::PxCapsuleController *controller = static_cast<physx::PxCapsuleController*>(physController->GetController());
physx::PxScene *scene = controller->getScene();
physx::PxSceneReadLock scopedLock(*scene);
physx::PxCapsuleGeometry geom(1,1); // Radius and height = 1, just for testing
physx::PxVec3 pos(0,0,0);
physx::PxQuat orientation(physx::PxHalfPi,physx::PxVec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
physx::PxOverlapBuffer hit;
Con::cerr<<"getNbAnyHits: "<<hit.getNbAnyHits()<<Con::endl;
Con::cerr<<"getNbTouches: "<<hit.getNbTouches()<<Con::endl;
Con::cerr<<"hasBlock: "<<hit.hasBlock<<Con::endl;
return false;
This creates a tiny capsule at the origin, there's no way there could be a collision with anything, yet the output is this:
getNbAnyHits: 0
getNbTouches: 0
hasBlock: 0
Why does it return true if it hasn't found anything blocking it? Am I missing something?
This is the scene as shown through the PVD:
If there IS a collision, it still returns true, but hasBlock is != 0.
2) PxControllers collide prematurely
Both PxBoxController and PxCapsuleController objects collide with my static world before they actually touch it:
(The capsule was getting pushed down by gravity and towards the wall, but stopped at the position shown here)
PxRigidDynamic objects collide with the world as they should.
At first I thought this has something to do with the contact offset, but I've tried setting that to 0, or a value very close to 0, and it made no difference.
3) Pushing PxControllers
I'd like to implement a simple jump functionality for a playable character (PxCapsuleController).
Problem is, PxController objects 'stick' to the world until they receive a certain force. So if my character is currently standing on solid ground, and is getting pushed upwards by a small force, he will stick to the ground and not move at all.
How can I disable this for a controller temporarily?
Thanks in advance.