
Candy Crush Blue Bird - Bad Idea?

Started by May 02, 2014 02:21 AM
0 comments, last by walterwhiter 10 years, 9 months ago

Candy Crush has a new game mode involving a blue bird that you have to keep stable.

But here is the problem: random is NOT on your side (more on that later). And the law contradict itself.

First, while moving the scale based on your action is nice, it should not move based on something out of your control - eg: falling new candy. Nothing is more sad than to move a candy, NEW candy fall in, connect, clear more area, and may clear more area involving candy not related to the scale, and more NEW candy fall down, clearing candy related to the scale, and you've lost in an instant. There are cases I lost just by doing a move. And its not even involving subsequent candy connect (which is unrelated to the scale) but it just clear an area, new candy falls in, and suddenly you lost.

Second, there are time you need to clear stuff up. Doing combination is nice, except, this is a sure fire way to also quickly lost.

Third, while it can detect no more moves, it interestingly cannot detect no more LEGAL move. In short, if the random causes the only next move is a red candy, and your red candy scale is next to breaking point, you have no choiche than to move it, and fall the scale, or BUY moves.

Lastly, so called "bonuses" is not a one time purchase, unlike Plant & Zombie trees, it recurring purchases. The question is, how far can you trust the "randomness" of the game?

If I remember correctly, in case of Diablo 3, wasn't there a time where the developer mentioned that awesome drops is harder to get to make people using "auction house"?

Candy Crush thinks much before they do an update. I think its a very good idea!

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