
Illustrator and Flash

Started by July 27, 2014 03:00 AM
1 comment, last by Vincent_M 10 years, 2 months ago

I started learning Illustrator, and I'm really liking it. I plan on using Flash to animate my Illustrator files when that time comes. How possible is this? I've done some research on his, and Adobe's documentation on their website says that when Flash imports Illustrator files, not all features export, or are editable (which is fine). My goal is to use Flash to rig my 2D art for various animations. Does this seem like a possibility?

Lots of games use scaleform, but it's very expensive.

Scaleform was originally a fork of gameswf, which is also usable (and free!), but will require more work on your part, and might not support all SWF features properly...

You could also use one of the libraries that turns the Chrome web browser into a game UI solution (which lets you use flash, inside HTML pages):


Oh wow! I actually thought about developing some tech for my own UI system using XML, similar to how Visual Studio's Designer and Xcode's Interface Builder stored its code, then developing it in an IDE. Looks like these guys may have it covered though. My main goal is to develop 2D art for characters in Illustrator, and I may just do everything in PhotoShop for the UI.

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