I'm trying to tighten up my programming skills a bit. I usually end up with a module in programming wil different variables I need to keep track of... Not much, current step of cutscene (driven by select case counter in text game.) Small things like that. I also have my main classes for room, hero, monster, text parser..
I'm just wondering about things like weapons, armour, items. Should these be objects to? I can figure out how to make things work, but I'd like them to be right, lol. I have a little trouble deciding weather something should be an objects or jut hard coded in the player...
like this in my player class:
'' Skills
Private _skillPoints As SByte
Private _skillsLearned As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Private _skillEffects As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Private _skillMod As List(Of SByte)
Does it make sense for weapons to be objects stored as objects in inventory arrays?