
The Week of Awesome III - The third annual unofficial competition! - Administration thread

Started by June 01, 2015 04:11 AM
232 comments, last by Eck 9 years, 2 months ago

i prefer it, but if "this team is just xoxos" isn't creative enough for the spirit of the competition, change it to "a ridge in all productions" (i'll try and use musgraves or something).

neither a follower nor a leader be

How do you pronounce that?







How do you pronounce that?






I figured it was pronounced 'kiss-kiss'...

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

alright, first of all sorry for the long delay adding folks to the list. I've been on vacation all last week, and was still decompressing yesterday. anyway, first off we have our last judge: nightcreature83 with him I am no longer seeking any further judges! I've added the teams, and the people looking for additional members.

The date just happens to be the week between me getting out of work for the summer and starting my next school semester, so I'm definitely in!

Edit: I'm actually going to be leaving half way through the compo:( but I'm still entering!

Team of just me, site:

well, if there's one thing i can say, it is that your website does work. =-P I've added it, but i'd recommend making it a bit more than the default apache test page.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

heard the 'x' reads 'glottal stop' in some african dialects, and i guess chinese would read 'sh'.

hehe who pronounces it? 20+ years it's only typed ph34r.png


neither a follower nor a leader be

Hey guys,

I just noticed on HumbleBundle they're selling a "Game Development" bundle. It looks like it includes some game developer tools, content generation tools, and a few content libraries. It might be worth checking out. Pay what you want from $1 for the basics to $12+ for the full package.

- Eck

EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG


I'm in ! I hope I will be able to finish my game this time. I learned a lot in last year competition.

Team name: Sjs-Studio

Team members: stenol26


I'm in ! I hope I will be able to finish my game this time. I learned a lot in last year competition.

Team name: Sjs-Studio
Team members: stenol26

excellent, i've added you to the list, can't wait to see what you come up with!

I've also updated the supported platforms, we will be able to do Linux and windows for sure, but mac is an uncertainty currently.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I'm tentatively expressing interest in taking part.

(I had previously decided to abstain, but now feel that I likely will enter.)

Presuming that I do take part, my "team" can be registered as follows:

Team: Thaumic Games

Members: Thaumaturge (me)

Blog link: (This is in fact my old journal, but renamed so as to be useful for more than just that one, now-passed, competition.)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

I'm tentatively expressing interest in taking part.

(I had previously decided to abstain, but now feel that I likely will enter.)

Presuming that I do take part, my "team" can be registered as follows:
Team: Thaumic Games
Members: Thaumaturge (me)
Blog link: (This is in fact my old journal, but renamed so as to be useful for more than just that one, now-passed, competition.)

Woot, glad to have you back! I can't wait to see what you give us this year=-)

I'd also like to announce that we have a new sponsor this year. ben mears of Side Effects Software is putting up a 1 year license for Houdini Indie for each team member in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! he is also providing temporary licenses to anyone who would like to try out the software beforehand and use it during the competition. To grab these licenses, either pm him, or send an email to
Houdini is a procedural approach to content creation that involves building node networks that define a “recipe” to create detailed game art that can be applied over and over. You can wrap up these networks to create custom “smart” assets that are built by artists for artists. And with recent technological advancements, these assets can be loaded into game editors such as Unity or Unreal Engine or even custom game editors using a simple API.

So be sure to hit him up for those licenses!

One last thing, i've made an additional addendum to the rules, all online games must be submitted in an offline playable format, rather that's just providing an swf(if built in flash), or the webpage and associated javascript. In order to prevent potential modifications post competition, we would require that they be distributed in an offline format. this however does not mean you can't place it somewhere for other users to place, and we'll be sure to link to it. Simply that for judging purposes we will require an offline version.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

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