
A free tool for Unity game development (player login, leaderboard, analytics...)

Started by June 03, 2015 11:50 AM
-1 comments, last by yaelle 9 years, 4 months ago

I have developed a tool that performs a game’s assessment (scores, badges, feedback) and stores the data for learning analytics (fancy visualisation of gameplay data). So you don't have to have a server or bother about that part of the game. By using it, you can have easy and free access to player's authentication tool, leaderboard, feedback, adaptation of the game...

The tool is now pretty much finished (at least a first version) if you want to try it out, I have created a tutorial to show how to use the engine with a simple mini game (find the EU countries). It takes around 3 hours in total (less if you’re well acquainted with Unity). You don't need huge programming skills as the code is fully provided (yeah, copy pasting!!!), and only need Unity in terms of software. The link for the tutorial is:

If you can, take 5 minute to answer a quick questionnaire to provide me with feedback:

If you like the tool and want to integrate the engine in your own games, you are very welcome to do so, email me and I will create a developer account for you.

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