
Will _No Man's Sky_ be boring?

Started by July 09, 2015 05:59 PM
20 comments, last by jwezorek 9 years, 3 months ago

I think this will be a game for those with.imagination. If you need story handed to you on a plate and to be guided through a game you'll hate it and if you're a sandbox metagamer who makes your own entertainment out of what's available you'll love it and I'm sure we will see lots of videos on YouTube of players doing interesting things that we didn't expect.

I'm sure I'll be eating my words though by this time next year :)

I personally think it's going to be boring.

The reason I say that is because almost every planet we've seen so far, is a pretty close representation of every other planet we've seen.

This is my thought too ...

but I also think they're holding back and are only showing one kind of planet for obvious reasons. I get the feeling that there will be fundamentally different planets but they will generated from templates the way the planets we have seen were generated from a 'earthlike grasslands + ocean" template. There are going to at least be ice planets and desert planets -- I think, desert planets are going to have Dune-like sand worms.

But still seems like it with get old after we've seen all the templates.

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