Men are expected to provide for the family. Men are expected to fix anything broken in the house. Men are expected to protect the family. Men are expected to take out the trash and mow the yard.
I think the negative reaction to extending selective service in the US is another interesting example. Unexpectedly, polls have shown that women aren't that enthusiastic about taking on a burden universally applied to men. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced late last year that the military would open up all combat roles to women, some top military generals have said that women like men should be required to register with the federal Selective Service System in the event there is a need for a military draft. Men like that idea, but most women don't.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 49% of all Likely U.S. Voters agree that women should be required to register for the draft. Nearly as many (44%) disagree.
Though, it is interesting when are these views imposed on us?
It is interesting but I fear we'd need to raise people from embryos under a dome to get the answer. Even the idea of narrative transport theory, that purports to tell us that media imprints cultural ideas upon our defenseless minds cannot account for HOW these messages impact us nor what the effect of mutually contradictory messages would be.