
Stackoverflow And Money

Started by July 27, 2016 07:48 PM
33 comments, last by Elegarth 8 years, 1 month ago

I've encountered this :

Is this accurate for your case? I know that standards are really lower in my country but the difference in my case is enormous?

It's enormous to me too, but equivalent to what US recruiters offer me.

"Accurate" how? It certainly seems like they offer reasonably competitive pay.

I checked several in a few cities, they seem ballpark reasonable for the US.

If you're somewhere else like eastern Europe or India or similar the wages won't equate well. Wages are the primary reason so many US firms are eager to offshore their technical work.

/Edit: Your profile doesn't have your location, but the name in your public profile looks Slavic. From a quick search for the unusual name it probably means you're in Bulgaria since you write of an enormous money difference. The US is a rich country, with plenty of wealth and a high standard of living, and a huge demand for technically-skilled workers. Apparently in Bulgaria, not so much demand apparently.

As a veteran in a management position, yes .

As an average "code monkey" , not even close.

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

That's about right for our developers and product managers, it's off (under) for designer.


@Josh Petrie I've imagine that on west the average web developer earns ~average game programmer salary.
@frob yeah, I was just curious about the average salary in the western countries.

@frob how did you found out my name :D, I really would love to hide that information. (really can't find it anywhere on GDNet)

@frob EDIT Just found it, could you edit you replay in order to keep my identity a bit less of a public information (not that it really matters, but just in case).

It's right in your public user profile. I literally just clicked on your username.

It needs to be compared with average wage in same and other sectors in US to be meaningful. Then PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) should be taken into consideration.

PS : BG = Country Code of Bulgaria

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

I remember reading that in some eastern European country, Bulgaria or Romania, I cannot remember, that wages for software developers were shockingly low, even compared to the wages of other professions in the country, so a lot of developers would move to other countries.

EDIT: And that tool roughly matches my current salary at my experience level. (with whatever the default skill level was)

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