
Anyone excited for The Last Of Us 2 and Death Stranding?

Started by December 04, 2016 12:52 AM
4 comments, last by sleepypixie 7 years, 9 months ago

I found the new death stranding trailer to be a bit cryptic though. I'm also tired of developers announcing games thousands of years before release. Anyways, do you guys have any theories of what they will be about?

No. Ignore marketing until it's evident whether each will be good or not.


I have a weak spot for odd / strange / horror vibe trailers, so yes sir I'm excited! However I doubt that any story theory can be decrypted from the trailer alone.

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well Meh. I have to agree I never was such a big fan of Kojimas work with MGS, might be well designed games but his love for the obscure and weird I felt always at odds with the "realistic" nature and serious tone of those games.

The Death Stranding trailers do not give me much confidence that his newest baby will be anything I might like. Though chances are that he kicks "realistic" and serious aside and totally goes for obscure and weird, but given the serious "save the planet" undertones I get from the trailers, and the realistic likeness of actors in the trailers I feel its going to be MGS all over again, at least in the basic look and feel, if not story or characters, maybe not even gameplay.


The fact that these are just cutscenes specially designed for the trailers further feeds my feelings of being not impressed. Of course kojima will get the money to shoot his own short films. Bravo. Now stop wasting time and get to work on the game. Come back when you have ingame footage to show, or at least an interesting prototype.

But I guess some people will not care. The Hype will be strong with this one. Yay. Lets hope its not 2017/2018 No Mans Sky.

well Meh. I have to agree I never was such a big fan of Kojimas work with MGS, might be well designed games but his love for the obscure and weird I felt always at odds with the "realistic" nature and serious tone of those games.

The Death Stranding trailers do not give me much confidence that his newest baby will be anything I might like. Though chances are that he kicks "realistic" and serious aside and totally goes for obscure and weird, but given the serious "save the planet" undertones I get from the trailers, and the realistic likeness of actors in the trailers I feel its going to be MGS all over again, at least in the basic look and feel, if not story or characters, maybe not even gameplay.


The fact that these are just cutscenes specially designed for the trailers further feeds my feelings of being not impressed. Of course kojima will get the money to shoot his own short films. Bravo. Now stop wasting time and get to work on the game. Come back when you have ingame footage to show, or at least an interesting prototype.

But I guess some people will not care. The Hype will be strong with this one. Yay. Lets hope its not 2017/2018 No Mans Sky.

I wasn't a huge fan of the last MGS (the Phantom Pain) but I did like MGS4 and MGS3.

Overhyping is the name of the game these days. Just look at recent releases. Wait and see is what I plan to do.

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YES. So excited for The Last of Us 2. I can't stop watching the trailer.

Death Stranding is something I'll probably play, but I'm not a diehard Kojima fan.

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