
Losing your old projects :( Help request...

Started by January 04, 2017 12:49 PM
2 comments, last by d000hg 7 years, 9 months ago

I worked on a few games and tools about 10 years ago then lost interest/motivation. They just sat on my computer and as this was 10 years ago, cloud version control wasn't popular and I had none.

I found a copy of my source code on an old disk and backed it up quite recently but most of my assets are missing, only an old version from one project.

I tried searching online and found some dead links - I used to post demos quite frequently on GameDev.

Bit of a long shot but does anyone have any of my stuff lurking around? I think I've always been d000hg here and the two major projects I did were "Archipelago" and "Island Racers".

So annoying :(

IDK but maybe those dead links could become live links via The WayBack Machine?


Did you put any of them on Contest or GD Showcase?

Admin for

Did you put any of them on Contest or GD Showcase?

Archipelago was a 4E5 entry and I think that's where I rescued it from though it was a much older build.

Back in 2005 I don't think GD gave free storage - nobody did really which is another reason it isn't on my own site - so I don't think it would've been on Showcase. I used a fair bit which is live but seemingly quite broken, cannot navigate it to search for my stuff.

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