COM components for ASP

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1 comment, last by kill 22 years, 5 months ago
Hi. I''m looking into making a content driven website using ASP and COM. There are plenty of ASP tutorials out there, but I couldn''t find any tutorials on writing COM components that can be used in ASP. Can someone suggest anything? Thanks.
On Visual Basic all you have to do is to "Create New ActiveX DLL" project. When you''re done writing functions, "Make [PROJECTNAME].DLL". Then use component services to register your newly made component.

Now the component is accessible in asp-layer by

set myObj = server.createobject( "[PROJECTNAME].[CLASSNAME]" )
See this tutorial for MSVC++. Its very basic, but covers how to start coding a component using ATL. I found it a pain to do in C++ though, so if possible, i recommend using VB.


Good Luck

Edit: ATL instead of ALT

Edited by - NewDeal on November 26, 2001 7:23:11 AM

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