
Double Dragon??

Started by January 22, 2000 05:17 AM
8 comments, last by SaD_GoD 25 years, 1 month ago
Well the other day I was playing double dragon on my nintendo and I thought it would be so fun to make a clone of this game for the PC. Now i''m new to game programming and was wondering something. Would I use tiles or what for the levels. And if its not tiles then what method would i use? Thanks any help is appercaited
Programming Tip: Put everything in comments to compile with out errors.
Which Double Dragon are you trying to clone? The fourth one? I think they used tiles. Haven''t played in awhile.

Are you trying to clone it exactly or make a new game like it but with different levels and slightly different engine?

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Well i''m trying to clone the first one. I want to make a game much like it but with different characters and a different story but I pretty much want to keep the same engine they used or one that works a lot like it.
Programming Tip: Put everything in comments to compile with out errors.
I was thinking about a double dragon clone the other day, but I''m working on another project at the moment.

Anyway, go for tiles, it means you can make huge maps without having to draw the entire thing from scratch. Plus I personally think checking for objects etc is easier with tiles as well, obviously you''ll need to make an editor, but its not too hard to do that.
Black Edge Games
You can use tiles, but if memory is not a problem, and you want detailed levels, you can use a large high res bitmap for the level. You can have another low res bitmap that basically shadows the high res map to tell where the land is. The graphics will look better and you don''t have to worry about making tools for the tiles and map. Memory quickly runs out though.


Well i was thinking about using tiles but wouldn''t it be hard to do if the character is bigger than a tile. Like lets say my character has to get up right next to a wall. Naturally his feet couldn''t go step into the wall tiles but if the character is bigger than a tile then it would look like his head couldn''t go past the walls. Could you give me a little insight on a way around this or another solution. Oh and useing bitmaps. How much memory are we talking about here?? Cause if i am thinking right didn''t close combat 3 have bitmaps as levels. I know that some of the levels had a large size to them. A little more insight to anything that could help would be greatly appreciated. As you proably guessed i''m a newbie.

Programming Tip: Put everything in comments to compile with out errors.
Here''s an online book that is based around side-scrolling tile based games. It should help you a lot. It''s a little old, but the principles are still the same.

Double Dragon, if I remember correctly, is tile based. In fact, almost all of the old Nintendo games were tile based due to the limitations of the machine.

If I am understanding the last question you asked, I don''t think you are fully understanding this use of tiles. The tiles are used to draw the backgrounds, but the characters are done with sprites.

As far as using one large bitmap for a level, that''s a horrible practice for a Double Dragon type game. Just think of the amount of memory a bitmap that size would take up. (Again, this is why tiles are used in the first place)
Forgot to put this link in the last post. Here''s the online book...
Thanks a lot for the link. It really cleared some things up for me.
Programming Tip: Put everything in comments to compile with out errors.
It''s my opinion that like 90% of the old 8-bit NES games used tiles. There were *very* few games that weren''t based around a tile engine... just like now there''s very few that aren''t based around a 3D engine.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
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